Similar feelings at least once disturbed any person. Why painful feelings arise only on the one hand? What becomes their reason and whether this phenomenon is dangerous?
such substance as a sodium glutamate - the nutritional supplement which is contained in many processed products is capable to Cause discomfort. Scientists assume that she is capable to provoke emergence of unpleasant feelings: a headache, excessive sweating, difficulty of breath, tension in a face zone, in particular jaws. The listed symptoms in that case appear after a meal after a while, are followed by the stupid, pulsing pain which affects all left part of the head.
Puchkovy golovnayabol and migraine - two most widespread diseases. At the same time can arise & #171; мушки» before eyes. At some the attack is followed by increase in sensitivity to external irritants, smells, etc. Then people complain of the aching feelings on one site of the head, in a temple, the eyes extending to area.
The sharp spasm, the pressing and shooting pain can be provoked by change of weather conditions. Usually it is localized in a temple, is closer to an ear, a parietal and frontal part. Several hours prior to rainfall or strengthening of wind atmospheric pressure changes. It leads to change of intra cranial and arterial blood pressure. Teeth, skull bones can ache. Usually the discomfort is expressed poorly, can be observed with breaks. Often it is followed by weight in the head and a body, drowsiness.