Popular : natural cleaners for the bathroom

As all of us know, purity in the bathroom is very important. This room is a source of bacteria and dirt, for the sake of our health and its hygiene it is necessary to remove correctly. How many cleaners do you usually buy for cleaning of the bathroom?
First that we will make, it we will cover with soda a toilet bowl from within, then we will leave for half an hour that means began to work. Thus, we not only will perfectly clean and we will disinfect a toilet bowl, but also we will get rid of this unpleasant raid which often appears over time.
After infusion from rosemary cools down, add 5 drops of essential oil of a tea tree. Pour this mix in a bottle with the spray, and clean a tile, as with usual means, by means of a sponge or fabric. You will be convinced what pleasant smell has this means!
This way is useful to cleaning of the most stubborn pollution, after it the tile will begin to shine as new. For this purpose heat 4 liters of water (it is not necessary to bring to boiling). Then add other ingredients: vinegar, baking soda, nashatyrny спирт… Take a small mop and moisten it with this ecological mix, wipe a surface of all tile in the bathroom. Then dry wipe pure fabric. Gloss will appear instantly.