Popular : natural cleaners for the bathroom

ecocleaning: natural cleaners for the bathroom

As all of us know, purity in the bathroom is very important. This room is a source of bacteria and dirt, for the sake of our health and its hygiene it is necessary to remove correctly. How many cleaners do you usually buy for cleaning of the bathroom?

First that we will make, it we will cover with soda a toilet bowl from within, then we will leave for half an hour that means began to work. Thus, we not only will perfectly clean and we will disinfect a toilet bowl, but also we will get rid of this unpleasant raid which often appears over time.

After infusion from rosemary cools down, add 5 drops of essential oil of a tea tree. Pour this mix in a bottle with the spray, and clean a tile, as with usual means, by means of a sponge or fabric. You will be convinced what pleasant smell has this means!

This way is useful to cleaning of the most stubborn pollution, after it the tile will begin to shine as new. For this purpose heat 4 liters of water (it is not necessary to bring to boiling). Then add other ingredients: vinegar, baking soda, nashatyrny спирт… Take a small mop and moisten it with this ecological mix, wipe a surface of all tile in the bathroom. Then dry wipe pure fabric. Gloss will appear instantly.

Posted by Admin Published: 21.4.2019 Comments (18)

New on the website: how to be an attractive guy for any girl

how to be an attractive guy for any girl

Your leather jacket will not help it to cope with internal experiences, and ripped jeans you will not be able to wipe it a tear when she is upset. Remember, that is important what you are a person, but not that in what you to clothes.

Hello, dear ladies! For certain you at least once in life became the witness of a similar situation: two girls, having almost identical external data, cause absolutely different reaction of the stronger sex. Around one always вьютс¤…

If someone estimates you on firms of belongings, you should not spend the time for these people.

Posted by Admin Published: 19.4.2019 Comments (18)

Parents from Utah starved the daughter and filmed with the camera as they tease it with food, popular

parents from Utah starved the daughter and filmed with the camera as they tease it with food

Parй from Utah threatens the death penalty because they starved the three-year-old daughter and filmed with the camera as tease it with food. On video mother stretches to the girl boiled egg, and then, laughing, takes away it with words: & #171; For you food нет».

According to the investigators, Angelina's life consisted of some tortures. On videos found by police officers, parents scoffed at the girl and teased her with food. In the following roller Angelina feeds the brothers and sisters while she itself suffers from hunger, and mother suggests it to eat egg, and then takes away it with words: & #171; Ha-ha, for you food нет». During hearings the detective described appearance of the girl as if she endured a Holocaust.

The head, hands and legs of the child were covered with bruises, lacerations and open ulcers. Costello and 23-year-old Brenda Emil brought to 25-year-old Miller charge of murder under the aggravating circumstances.

In court Emil told that used cosmetics to hide traces from a beating on a body of the dead daughter and that & #171; it looked not so плохо». However, none of couple pled guilty on a charge of murder.

Posted by Admin Published: 17.4.2019 Comments (18)

did not find dark matter In two galaxies that occurs, new on the website at all

in two galaxies at all did not find dark matter that occurs

Just as the ripples in a pond indicate that someone threw a stone, ran a hydrometer or the frog jumped, existence of mysterious substance - dark matter - is determined by its extensive influence on space. Astronomers cannot observe it directly, however gravitation of dark matter defines the birth, a form and the movement of galaxies. It makes a discovery of last year absolutely unexpected: in the strange, diffusion galaxy did not find dark matter at all. Do you think, on it all? Kind of not so.

Results of work of Danielle were presented to

at a conference on dark matter in Princeton University and will be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Today nobody definitely found dark matter, despite decades of active search. The lack of proofs induced some astrophysicists to look for alternative ways of a molding of galaxies and management of their movement for the account of emergence of hypotheses like "emerdzhentny gravitation" and "the modified Newtonian dynamics". Supporters of these hypotheses claim that most of astronomers believes that dark matter can be the phenomenon which arises from physics which we do not understand fully. But in that case these strange galaxies will speak well for the fact that alternatives are incorrect and that dark matter can really be the cause.

"It became possible thanks to new devices which arrived to the biggest telescopes on the planet. And, frankly speaking, a year ago it was not obvious to me that it will be feasible. A year ago I was not ready to tell that I this system will be direct surely strange because it seemed to me that measurements are not supported by data fully. But now, when there are two different teams which measured the range of speeds of stars, I think, it became obvious that the strangeness is".

Posted by Admin Published: 15.4.2019 Comments (18)

the Most readable: for entrance to Cyprus rules of issue of visas changed

for entrance to Cyprus rules of issue of visas changed

Since December 1, 2017 the Republic of Cyprus stopped issue of visas on entrance to citizens of Russia, persons interested to visit the territory of so-called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (TRNC). On it Russians were informed by Federal Tourism Agency, referring to the MFA of Russia.

However the mass flow of the Russian citizens on the North of Cyprus, according to the statistics of tour operators, is not observed by

and it is not expected in the future. However, tourists quite often plan short day trips to a northern part of the island to get acquainted with numerous local historical attractions and to enjoy the nature, considerably country, different from the southern part.

Having driven through the Erdzhan airport located in the territory of TRSK, it will be impossible to visit the rest of Cyprus. Besides in this case it is necessary not only to pay a penalty, but also not to count on obtaining the Cyprian visa further any more. By the way, direct air transportation in Erdzhan are carried out only by the Turkish companies from the territory of Turkey.

To issue the single visa to Cyprus for a period of 90 days, it is necessary to address on the website of embassy of the country.

Posted by Admin Published: 13.4.2019 Comments (18)

Popular : prices, attractions, councils

aquapark of a ramayan in Pattaya: prices, attractions, councils

Ramayana aquapark in Pattaya - the Thailand's largest, second largest on the Asian continent also closes dozen of the world's largest. A highlight of aquapark the design and engineering idea began to place a complex of water entertainments on ruins of the mysterious city. Here both picturesque ruins, and ancient artifacts, rock drawings, unique natural and man-made objects. The natural lake became the central link of Ramayana in Pattaya, and around it entertainments were built. Tourists are attracted by diversity of the park, service, an originality and safety.

Cost of additional services:

The Ramayana aquapark is most of all intended for family holiday. In it 2 children's zones are located - for kids and children is more senior where there are interesting game designs, thematic figures and also avtomobilchik for driving. There is even a small attraktsionchik for six-month-old kids.

The day ticket can be used within half a year. Annual subscriptions - within 365 days daily.

Posted by Admin Published: 11.4.2019 Comments (18)

the Night attacks of demons eyes of scientists, at the request of chitaty

night attacks of demons eyes of scientists

If you sometime woke up in the middle of the night with feeling that the demonic being wants to deal shortly with you, then perhaps you had an experience of a meeting with so-called "inkuby" (the male demon) or "sukkuby" (the female demon).

throughout centuries of an inkuba and sukkuba hunted sleeping that found reflection in folklore and works of art of many cultures.

The system of protection of a brain activated by threat helps to create a difficult hallucination of the being sitting on a breast, the head of a research professor of clinical psychopathology from Leiden University Jan Dirk Blom explained.

Scientists found out that about 11 percent of people are attacked by an inkub or a sukkub at least once in life.

Posted by Admin Published: 9.4.2019 Comments (18)

the Most readable: how to get rid of a plant louse on houseplants

how to get rid of a plant louse on houseplants

If you the inveterate flower grower, in that case you not need explain what everyday care of plants has to be. And to you only one look suffices to define, your green pet how comfortably feels. Agree, nothing so warms soul and is pleasing to the eye as a species of the green, also blossoming bush, especially among winter.

it is undoubted, the best way of fight against a plant louse is prevention.

If it happened so that at you it did not turn out to save plants from wreckers, be not upset. It is a problem not of yesterday. And options it is enough to get rid of them. For example, you can use such means as Fitoverm, Neoron, Detsis, Tsipermetrin, "Karate".

It is possible to get them in specialized flower shop and also to receive detailed instructions for application. But if you the opponent of chemical experiments with your green plantings, then help to get rid of uninvited guests to you the following recipes.

Posted by Admin Published: 7.4.2019 Comments (18)

Popular : psychology of successful people

how to become the successful person in life: psychology of successful people

The successful person - is successful in everything. Approximately many explain with such phrase the take-off in any field. A huge number of books on self-development is devoted to a subject of success in life, and a huge number of trainers performs with the subject "How to Become the Successful Person in Life". But it is important to understand only one simple thing - in essence success, in any its manifestation is a peculiar drug which brings that euphoria. And also it is those painful feelings when the last minute of triumph was so long ago and new it is not expected. Let's understand in what success is shown. As it is correct to cultivate it to be the leader on life.

should noting

In advance that success is very versatile concept as it is possible to reach it absolutely in any field. It should be noted also the fact that sometimes your success will not be known to everyone - only to those people who are interested in that field of activity in which you could prove.

Stop thinking that success is a sprint. It's not true. Dan Valdshmidt.

Posted by Admin Published: 5.4.2019 Comments (18)

New : it is far better to go to live in 2019, responses of the moved people

moving on a permanent residence to Krasnodar Krai: it is far better to go to live in 2019, responses of the moved people

The possibility of moving on a permanent residence to Krasnodar Krai is an excellent chance to receive not only housing in good conditions, but also to lodge in resort places as this territory of Russia is located near the sea. It means that if there is the real estate, then it is possible to earn from it during the periods of strong influx of tourists.

Belorechensk - here can move to a permanent residence to fans of quiet life in more or less developed city. It is based as the village Belorechensk in 1862. Here it is possible to stop without problems, though the city not too big, but work will always be. The place is famous for the architectural culture, purity and a number of sights.

It is the best of all to consider each aspect in detail separately. What to you to choose the settlement or the city in the south of Russia for a permanent residence? Existence or lack of an outlet to the sea as it in a root changes climate and external conditions of accommodation is important. In general, the area can be divided into three types conditionally:

Further in video housing, transport, the communal flat, products is detailed about that, how much is life in Krasnodar:

Posted by Admin Published: 3.4.2019 Comments (18)

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