In one house there lived three brothers. The most senior of them had the wife. Brothers had many dogs - three teams. Hunted an animal. Once all brothers went to hunt. The wife one stayed at home. In the evening the bear from the wood went down and attacked their dogs. All night long dogs barked, squealed. There was a wife, left on dogs to look. One team of dogs which was tied to a stake disappeared. By the evening when still the sun did not set, the bear yupyat from the wood went down and all night long stole dogs" the Wife got up in the morning and left to look at the dogs. One more team of dogs disappeared. By the evening when was still absolutely light, the woman several times folded a belt, tied one its end to a door, and another for a column fixed. Again all night long dogs squealed, barked. In the morning the woman saw that the last team of dogs disappeared. In the afternoon it tied a belt to a door, and fixed other its end for a column. When darkened a little, outside puppies began to squeal, bark. The bear began to send them around the house. Then approached to the door and began to scratch it. Teeth took a door and pulled. The belt cracked. When strongly pulled, the belt tore off, broke a door from loops and entered the house. The child, that in a cradle lay, began to cry. Then the woman of the child took and threw him into a corner. The child fell, hit against a floor and cried in all throat. The bear went to the child. The woman run ran out from the house, got into a barn. From within again a belt the door bound. A little later heard as snow creaks under weight. The bear sobirayetsyav a barn to get. When he jumped, managed to be hooked only for a porch flooring, but the log rolled down, and the bear fell, having hit against the earth. Again tried to rise, it was hooked, again fell, hit, began to roar. All night long till the dawn so rose, fell, against the earth hit, roared. When the sun rose, the woman opened a barn door, looked at that side of the river, expected the family. Her friends only about day before yesterday day took food. She sees that from that party something small to the coast floats. This woman does not want on the earth to go down from a barn. Sees, the person sticks to this coast and looks at the house, and the house without door stands. This person thinks: What happened? On a footpath to the house rises by a slope. When he to the house rose, sees bear traces around the house also the earth - as the skin all is trampled down. - Oh-oh what happened, - says. - Who so tormented us? Approached a barn, asks: - Who here live is? - Yes I only live remained. The bear of dogs all our lifted up. When he entered the house, I very much was frightened, threw the child. The bear tried to get all this night into a barn, the flooring of a porch skatyvat. Now again will come. The sun was inclined to the mountain. There was a midday. The husband says it: - I am hungry. We had no food already yesterday. Therefore I came for food. Feed me with Yukola. Her husband entered the house, fire parted, roasted one yukolina. All ate this yukolina. Began to fry one more yukolina. After removed it and was going to eat still, puppies outside began a bark. This person took a spear, quickly went outside, to the place where firewood was put. When he looked towards the wood, saw a huge bear. The bear left behind himself clouds of dust. It was inconvenient to our person to prick a bear therefore he jumped aside back and began to go down. Faltered over a log there and fell on a back. The bear crushed under himself the person and lifted up. Then again all night long tried to get into a barn, clung to a flooring, skatyvat it, fell and hit against the earth. When it is light, the woman took that part of the river again to look. Again some person to this coast floats. After this person stuck to the coast, looked at the house. And the house absolutely without door stands. On a footpath to the house rose by a slope, sees - the place where firewood is put, everything is covered with blood of his elder brother, around bear traces. He approached a barn and shouts: - Whether there is here a person who will tell news? - Yes I only survived; - As, my elder brother arrived yesterday! - Your elder brother arrived yesterday, but the bear lifted up him. - Oh, horror! So it tormented you, it appears. Well, all right, whether you have something to eat? I from p; lot absolutely weakened. - Yes, the yukola is. You eat quicker. The bear will go down from the wood already soon. You sing and rise in this barn. - How so? If I die, let I will die. Here I will remain, let to me goes down. Our person made fire, roasted yukola and ate. At this time puppies began a bark again, raised a howl. He grabbed a spear and quickly jumped out outside. Rose above the place where put firewood. The bear again saw at once our person. Hung the head and, reserving clouds of dust, rushed off to our companion. The person to himself dodpustit a bear, wanted to prick it, but it was inconvenient. Jumped aside back, to that log went down, stumbled for a log and fell on a back. The bear on him pulled hard, crushed our person. Then again all night long tried to get into a barn, clung to a flooring and skatyvat it, fell, against the earth hit. In the morning the woman from a window began to watch that side of the river again. Again someone floats. Sees: to this coast of people stuck, to the house goes. One dog drags a narta behind it. There is a person and sees: his house without door stands. Near the house everything is trampled down, bear traces around. Around scraps of clothes of his elder brothers roll. Blood everything is covered with a circle. Then our companion understood everything. Approached a barn, up. shouts: - Whether there is who live? - Yes, I only survived. - Feed with something me. I ate two days nothing. Yukolu from a window lowered. - Oh-oh, you eat quicker. The bear of your elder brothers killed both. Dragged off our dogs from all three teams! - Oh, horror! Why so did torment you? Yukola to the house brought, fried, ate. When it terminated is, his dog deafly began a bark. Puppies began to squeal. A spear grabbed, outside jumped out. To the place where firewood is put, began to rise jumps. His dog on a bear rushed, the bear crushed her under himself, killed. Then rushed off to our person, reserving clouds of dust. The bear person to himself admitted, wanted to prick, but it was inconvenient. Jumps began to go down, stumbled about a log, through the head turned over, on legs jumped. Sideways pricked a bear with a spear. The bear fell the dead. Then our person up to the wife of the elder brother shouted: - Go down, go down. I already killed a bear. The woman left a barn, lowered a short flight of stairs, nazemlyu descended. With the axe in a hand approached a bear, began to cut his head. Swears. - Our men, the child, dogs of all gobbled up. Now will be enough. - Guilty, so do not speak. Then got into a barn, ate. Shipped this bear on a narta, on a bear track carried. Hardly to the forest the narta is dragged. When got into a thicket a little further, see - their dogs the head to the head the dead lie. Elder brothers about dogs the dead lie. That child of the woman together with a cradle lies. Here dumped a bear about sledge, split all into pieces and on fire burned. Then back went. One night in the house is burned. In the morning this good fellow says: - We should go to traps. Food was prepared, yukola took, then went. This woman a little on a narta went, walked a little. When darkened, arrived to the hunting buffoonery. Slept. For the next day this good fellow got up early in the morning. Says to the woman: - You do not go anywhere. I will go to remove traps. Went. Removed. Then back came, shipped the traps on a narta. When came to the buffoonery, the woman was not there. Came to light, shouts. Was tired to shout, around a buffoonery began to consider traces. Traces of this woman went from a buffoonery, then disappeared. The road only goes. This person very strongly grieved. Returned to a buffoonery, ate a little, food took a nemnoga and left. Went there where chbyl are directed socks of traces of this woman. So long went. Approaches the high mountain. Sees: two men by hands drag this woman. Followed them. When to the high mountain came, saw the big rock. To the rock this woman through an opening is dragged. When itself approached an opening, outside saw, all of them dogs, three teams. Through an opening entered. Iroshet a little, the door appeared. Opened it. Entered. Bear skins hang, many bear skins hang there. Our good fellow looked around. On plank beds near a door the old man sits. Looked further - there at some more old men. On the opposite side two of its elder the brother. They just entered, wet, and undress. The child of the elder brother in a cradle lies. From a mouth of his wife foam goes; it motionless lies. At the first old man the head all is split as at that bear, and by white silk it is tied. Under the arm also bandage. Our guy all the learned at once. Thinks: Aha, here, it appears, that devil who killed us. Our person between two centers got up. The most important old man got up too and speaks to the first old man: - Oh, horror, did so much what people were forced to come? You what, hungry was? Animals and people dragged. Too took these two people. The person therefore became angry, to us came. The repayment is going to take. Let's do well? It came for the. For the elder brothers and the child came. - Yes, a little unless we were killed? Now we will do some fighting, - the younger brother says. - The guest, regret us, - the main old man says. - We well home will send you, - everything with yourself take away the elder brothers and the dogs. That person at a door is my younger brother. It he destroyed people. Here he now for it will give repayment. Then our people everything together left. All dogs were harnessed. The younger brother was located on the last narta. His elder brothers everyone on the narta went. The most elder brother with the wife and the son - on one narta were. Then the main old man says: - When you move passes, on each pass leave on one dog: at first a dog black with one side, then a shaggy dog, then a dog with a cataract on the right eye, then a white dog and, at last, a red dog. When you drive up to the village, receive our award - a little polar bear cub whom we will lower from the sky. People on dogs home rushed off so that snow behind began to whirl about. Those dogs about whom the old man spoke our guy behind the bound sledge. His elder brothers ahead of him to the house go. Our guy on each pass on one dog left. When he untied dogs, all of them back to the forest ran and there vanished. When it is close to the village approached, our guy heard as the bear began to roar. Up looked - the polar bear is on a silver platter down. Ahead of it during snow fell, in it absolutely uto-nulnut. Our guy of the dogs untied, approached a bear, for ears from snow pulled out it. To sledge brought, laid it on them and strong bound. Then touched dogs, went further. When to the house drove up, there all dogs of elder brothers bark, squeal. Elder brothers left it to meet. The wife of the elder brother left too. Laugh, rejoice. The bear about sledge was removed, to the house brought, to a scaffold tied. When there passed three years, the bear celebration was organized. By a holiday to the forest on hunting went, killed a lot of animal. Residents of all neighboring villages to a holiday were invited. With this polar bear the holiday was celebrated. Then these three brothers happily lived for a long time.
Source of http://mirckazok.ru/view_post.php? id=5854