To Montreal students are attracted by a set of factors, for example, the fact that it is the city a bilingual, that is in it two official languages and both French and English is equally popular. Due to a large number of educational institutions, it is mostly the student's youth region from available the cost of housing and convenient location of campuses in park zones.
Conditions for transfer in the Canadian higher education institution differ depending on the chosen educational institution. Most of foreign students submit applications upon completion of senior secondary education. For Russians and students from other countries of the requirement for receipt of the Canadian educational system in 2019 assume:
33,437 $342 Makgillamonreal26,008 7,181 University of $ $353 University of the British $ $ Kolumbiivankuver21,693 5,886 974 Albertsky universitetedmonton17,899 17,899$ $1085 Montreal universitetmonreal9,156 12,500$ $1176 Makmasteragamilton17,068 17,068 University of $ $1727 Vaterloovaterloo17,318 17,318 University of $ $1988 University of the Western Ontariolondon18,876 18,876$ $2029 Kalgarikalgari13,929 9,643 University of $ $20410 Kuinskingston17,942 20,898 University of $ $20911 University of Simon of Freyzerabernabi14,924 8,208$ $23312 Dalkhauzgalifaks7,000 7,000 University of $ $24113 Ottavyottava5,000 7,000 University of $ $25514 Lavalkvebek25,625 24,209 Viktoriiviktoriya25815universitet University of $ $32316 Guelfguelf5,000 5,000 University of $ $37217 Saskachevanasaskatun11,501 11,501 University of $ $42418 Kvebekakvebek7,000 7,000 University of $ $46519 Manitobyvinnipeg3,000 5,000 University of $ $47820 Karltonsky universitetottava7,000 7,000$ $48521 Concordia Universitymonreal28,584 28,584 of $ $52022 York Universitytoronto16,733 19,015 of $ $64323 Memorial University of Newfoundlandsent-Dzhons3,000 10,000 of $ $66924 Universitй de Sherbrookekvebek3,000 5,000 of $ $72925 University of Windsoruinsor5,000 12,500 of $ $81626 Ryerson Universitytoronto23,000 20,000 of $ $97027 Universitй du Quйbec Montrйalћонреаль10,000 10,000 of $ $105828 University of New Brunswicksent-Dzhon12,500 12,500 of $ $109629 …cole Polytechnique de Montrйalћонреаль15,000 15,000 of $ $110130 University of Reginaredzhayna10,000 10,000 of $ $116131 Brock Universitysent-Katarins15,000 15,000 of $ $120232 University of Lethbridgeletbridzh12,500 12,500 of $ $121633 Wilfrid Laurier Universityvaterloo15,000 15,000 of $ $135734 University of Prince Edward Islandsharlottaun10,000 10,000 of $ $138435 University of Winnipegvinnipeg10,000 10,000 of $ $138836 Lakehead Universitytander-Bey15,000 15,000 of $ $141737 Trent Universitypiterboro20,000 20,000 of $ $143638 Athabasca University151439HEC Montrйal …cole de Gestionmonreal17,500 17,500 of $ $152240 University of Northern British Columbiaprins-Dzhordzh12,500 12,500 of $ $153441 University of Ontario Institute of Technologyoshava15,000 15,000 of $ $154342 …cole de Technologie Supйrieureћонреаль7,500 7,500 of $ $154443 Universitй INRS Institut National de la Recherche Scientifiquekvebek156844saint Francis Xavier UniversityAntigonish15,000 15,000 of $ $159945 of Saint Mary’ s Universitygalifaks12,500 12,500 of $ $165146 Acadia University15,000 15,000 of $ $166547 Universitй Laurentiennebolshoy Sadberi12,500 12,500 of $ $181148 Mount Allison Universitysakvill12,500 12,500 of $ $188449 Universitй de Monctonmonkton227351thompson Rivers Universitykamlups15,000 15,000 of $ $262353 Mount Saint Vincent Universitygalifaks12,500 12,500 of $ $268454 Nipissing Universitynort-Bey15,000 15,000 of $ $272155 Brandon Universitybrandon7,500 7,500 of $ $281256 Trinity Western University306557Cape Breton UniversitySydney15,000 15,000 of $ $314958 Universitй du Quйbec Chicoutimisageney12,500 12,500 of $ $344759 British Columbia Institute of Technologybernabi7,500 7,500 of $ $373960 MacEwan Universityedmonton15,000 15,000 of $ $375061 of Northern Ontario School of Medicine (Laurentian University Lakehead University)385862Vancouver Island University (Malaspina) Vankuver12,500 12,500 of $ $407863 Universitй du Quйbec Trois-Rivierestrua-Rivyer15,000 15,000 of $ $429364 Saint Thomas University434565Royal Roads University¬иктори¤444266Universitй du Quйbec Outaouaisgatino12,500 12,500 of $ $458167 of Bishop’ s Universitysherbruk15,000 15,000 of $ $466468 of Emily Carr University of Art + of $ $470570 Nothern Alberta Institute of TechnologyЁдмонтон482171Universitй du Quйbec Rimouskirimuski15,000 15,000 of $ $496772 Kwantlen Polytechnic Universitysurrey12,500 12,500 of $ $565773 Capilano Universitynort-¬анкувер579874Universitй du Quйbec Abitibi-Temiscamingueruen-Noranda17,500 17,500 of $ $586575 of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology алгари
As is connected by Designvankuver10,000 10,000$ $469369 University of the Fraser Valleyabbotsford12,500 12,500 the rating of the university with an opportunity to get a highly paid job. You watch the following video.