Discussion: pension in Tajikistan in 2018

pension in Tajikistan in 2018

It is planned to finish the solution of a question and preparation of the final draft agreement for the following, 2019. Such cooperation is favorable not only to Tajikistan, but also Russia: deterioration in a demographic situation affects economy already now. The migrants working legally will be able to fill a lack of labor, and assignments from their salaries considerably will fill up social funds. That to submit the law for approval it is necessary to settle several points contradicting the Russian legislation. One of them - the amount of salaries of citizens of RT: they get less for the same a job, than representatives of other CIS countries.

Unfortunately, in one document the exact mechanism of charge of pension is not specified. Respectively, pensioners should agree with that sum which to them was shown to receiving as there are no criteria of check unconditionally.

Moreover: each employer, be it the private company, the organization, the individual entrepreneur, all of them carry out contributions to fund of a social security for the employees and at the same time pay the sums, it is much more, than those receive further.

Posted by Admin Published: 21.8.2017 Comments (18)

Exercise cat, popular

exercise cat

It is heavy to be in good shape when at you there are a lot of affairs and cares. And with age there is back pain, the stomach begins to turn gradually into a lifebuoy, constant fatigue disturbs. But it is enough to do only one exercise which studies the muscles supporting a backbone and strengthens a press. Also it does a body to more flexible and levels a bearing.

we Recommend to carry out exercise for strengthening of muscles of a back and a stomach daily, combining it with physical activities on other groups of muscles. Time of a training does not play a basic role, but nevertheless it is not desirable to carry out it right after meal. Ideally between food and performance of exercise there have to pass about 2 hours.

Also we advise you to add the trainings with one more effective exercise for strengthening of muscles of a back and a stomach.

& #169; Depositphotossdelay a deep exhalation also tighten up a basin inside, at the same time as much as possible round a back and hang the head. Muscles of a press have to be strained, and the back, on the contrary, has to be relaxed to last.

& #169; DepositPhotosHa a breath return to a starting position. Make a deep exhalation and bend a back in a waist, having raised the head and a basin up. In this situation the press is weakened, and muscles of a back are strained.

& #169; DepositPhotosHa a breath return to a starting position.

It is necessary to repeat exercise 10-15 times. At the same time in each position be late for 7-10 seconds. Let's notice that there should be no pain. For the best deflection of a back in lumbar department try to pull the head as it is possible above. Also watch that palms were accurately under shoulders. Only several months of daily performance with guarantee will improve your health and appearance.

Posted by Admin Published: 19.8.2017 Comments (18)

Popular : sensibleness and drama

sensibleness and drama

The habitual state for all of us is an absorption in the drama - a social plot of personal history where emotions and passions boil, decide and problems are not solved, victories are carried out, a defeat is suffered, there are the tragic element and the happy ends. We live, as in series where each thought, each movement - as if small entertainment and at the same time justification of in the opinion of all people from our past, real, future. Something in us induces this performance to play, reproduce itself and the vital drama again and again. Such here "love to art". We also call this dramatic cinema about ourselves the real life.

Here I, widely rashly, write how awakened. Be not deceived. I am same as everything, and I continue to trust with enthusiasm in the fairy tales for adults. But I have a certain taste to sensibleness. Also I tell about it.

We believe that we begin a spiritual way and various heart-searching to develop sensibleness and to calm mind when in practice everything what there is a wish for actually - it is strengthenings of the drama that that did not become the tragedy, and grew to the big-budget blockbuster with a happy end.

If to pay attention to a material world, the silence reigns in it. The speech - not about the world of money and things - these "matters" only a drama link. The speech here about this simple life where objects quietly sag in space, kind of expecting the hour, will not be mentioned by our attention yet.

Posted by Admin Published: 17.8.2017 Comments (18)

of the Sight of Troitsk and dr season 2019, discussion

beautiful places of Chelyabinsk region: sights of Troitsk and dr season of 2019

The repertoire of the Chelyabinsk theater is made by treasuries of the world ballet and the opera.

South Ural & #8212; the place for winter holidays is wonderful. Read here where still to go in Russia at winter.

The Urals is called not without reason the Ridge of Russia. The local numerous plants and factories long since worked for prosperity and development of our country. But except the developed industry the Urals are rich also in touristic sites, many of which will not leave indifferent travelers, for example, to a sight of Chelyabinsk region.

Posted by Admin Published: 15.8.2017 Comments (18)

Updating: 8 recipes of the test + quickly pizza

pizza dough thin and soft as in a pizzeria: 8 recipes of the test + quickly pizza

Required set of products:

One more nonconventional way of preparation of a basis for pizza is, creation of kefir dough. It leaves very gentle with pleasant taste, personally it was pleasant to me.

In order that dough turned out uniform without lumps, I mix flour with salt and I sift. Then gradually I add to liquid components, I knead to readiness.

Posted by Admin Published: 13.8.2017 Comments (18)

What is a consular and service charge, features in 2019, amusing

what is a consular and service charge, features in 2019

For entry into many foreign states citizens of the Russian Federation need to get special permissions - visas. They differ on the action duration, the number of the allowed entrances and, mainly, the purposes of visits. But whatever type of the visa had to be requested, all of them assume payment. The so-called visa fee is the sum of the fixed size which needs to be extinguished in order that the consulate accepted the application for execution of the document.

K to them belong:

The cost of duty is determined by the state which interests are represented by consular service. The sum always is fixed, but at the same time it can be changed without prevention according to the decision of the government.

Some countries provide the whole price list with gradation of the prices which depend on type of the visa, duration of its action and also on age of the applicant.

Posted by Admin Published: 11.8.2017 Comments (18)

At requests of readers: every day I become more living and happy and I do not seek to be ideal

every day do not seek to be I become more living and happy and I do not seek to be ideal

On learning to accept yourself such what you are, and not to seek to be ideal a lot of time can leave. It is quite long way.

Happiness as if the kaleidoscope, consists of a set of pieces, the moments which we endure day by day. Depends on our relation to life whether we perceive it as a gift or as punishment.

Humanity and ability to experience emotions distinguish us from animals.

In our today's article we invite you a little to reflect on it together with us.

Posted by Admin Published: 9.8.2017 Comments (18)

At requests of readers: morgan stanley refused purchase of the St. Petersburg shopping mall the Nevsky center from

Morgan Stanley refused purchase of the St. Petersburg shopping mall the Nevsky center from

The Morgan Stanley fund refused to buy Nevsky Center shopping Mall belonging to the Finnish Stockmann in St. Petersburg. The decision from the transaction to leave made because of new American sanctions against Russia, Vedomosti with reference to own sources writes.

the Nevsky Center Mall is open for

after reconstruction in 2010, its total area - 103 thousand sq.m. Invested 170 million euros in reconstruction of Stockmann Group, Kommersant writes.

At the same time, according to a part of sources of Vedomosti, the decision on an exit from the transaction is made still a month ago, that is to the announcement of new sanctions, and he was influenced by the general deterioration in the relations between the countries.

About refusal of purchase the edition was reported by two partners of the company and two consultants working with an object. One more interlocutor of the edition claims that negotiations formally continue, but closing of the transaction "is extremely improbable".

Posted by Admin Published: 7.8.2017 Comments (18)

the Most interesting: Urgant Andrey

urgant Andrey

Andrey was born in actor's family. The father Lev Milinder and mother Nina got married when both worked on distribution in the Yaroslavl theater. Parents together lived not for long, after the divorce Andrey remained with mother who already returned by then to Leningrad and was very demanded in theater of Lenin Komsomol (nowadays Theatre the Baltic house) the actress. The three-year-old child Nina Nikolaevna it is forced arranged in the round-the-clock boarding school near Peterhof where it was brought up up to six years. The actor remembers this heavy time in the life with disgust. In school days Andrey was engaged in javelin throw and rowing on a canoe and also often was behind the scenes of mother's theater. It also came for vacation to Moscow to the girlfriend of mother Iye Savvinoy who allowed the teenager to read any self-published books forbidden during that time.

the First wife of the actor. In this marriage the famous son Ivan Urgant was born everything today, In second marriage with the actress and the poetess Alyona Svintsova at Andrey the daughter Maria (together with mother lives in Holland) was born. The actor had the third civil marriage with Vera Yatsevich. At present Urgant Sr. consists in a civil marriage with Elena Romanova who is younger than the actor for 30 years. The young wife is in combination his administrator. Andrey has four grandsons. From Ivan of the girl - Nina and Valeria. From Maria boys - Emir and Gabriel. Andrey admitted more than once that not against to receive the successor and from the present spouse Elena.

Interludes, the created two Andreyami - Urgant and Maksimkov were very popular on TV of the 90th. The whole decade the actor kept the author's program "Meetings on Moss" on Channel Five. As Andrey the great culinary specialist, Makarevich invited him to conduct "Relish" on Channel One as wanted to replace with it itself. But Urgant Sr. did not want to move because of it to Moscow. And then Makarevich stopped the choice on Urgant Jr. The actor works at television and today. At film he acts in since 1983, its filmography contains more than 50 roles. The best, also the actor so considers, there was a role of the Russian emigrant musician in a phantasmagoric picture Yury Mamin "A window to Paris" of 1993. Also he is proud of a role of the compere Georges Bengalsky in the mystical drama by Vladimir Bortko "Master and Margarita" 2005.

The third husband of mother ballet master Kirill Laskari acquainted the teenager with the best samples of the world literature, music and theater. He in general had a great creative influence on Andrey, developed his natural sense of humour. After obtaining the school-leaving certificate Urgant, without deliberating, went to go to the theatrical university. At the Leningrad institute of theater, music and cinematography the student proved almost at once as the talented comedy actor. He was the real star of skits. Urgant's performances also enjoyed improbable popularity not only among inhabitants of higher education institution, but also beyond its limits. Having gained the diploma of the actor, Andrey Lvovich worked two years on the stage of theater of V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, and then was invited in St. Petersburg Lenkom Theatre from which his mother Nina Urgant started a career. According to the actor, he never got serious roles, directors always operated his comedy gift in performances. Yes, he both did not resist, and continued to be engaged in skits in theater. During reorganization and in the 90th Urgant created in St. Petersburg "Actor's night club" where the creative intellectuals hung out. He was invited also willingly to conduct various actions as large, like "Golden Ostap", and not really - weddings, office parties, birthdays. It acquainted with work also the son Ivan over time. Andrey Urgant also worked hard at television of St. Petersburg.

Posted by Admin Published: 5.8.2017 Comments (18)

Is updated: nests, tubules

the pasta stuffed with forcemeat and cheese in an oven: nests, tubules

There are certain types of pasta which differ in the large size that allows to stuff them with different stuffings. Mincemeat thanks to which full-fledged nourishing and very tasty dish turns out is most often used. It can be prepared not only for family dinners, but also to give on a holiday table.

Cream does to

a dish gentle, air and very tasty. Large shells will be used in this recipe. If desired you can replace with any other sauce. The prepared ingredients will be enough for 4 portions.

We are sure that whatever recipe you chose, the result will not disappoint. Diversify a habitual diet with a tasty and original dish.

We suggest to consider the option intended for the crock-pot. Many hostesses, having such equipment of the house, all as process becomes simpler prefer to do in it.

Posted by Admin Published: 3.8.2017 Comments (18)

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