What is a consular and service charge, features in 2019, amusing

For entry into many foreign states citizens of the Russian Federation need to get special permissions - visas. They differ on the action duration, the number of the allowed entrances and, mainly, the purposes of visits. But whatever type of the visa had to be requested, all of them assume payment. The so-called visa fee is the sum of the fixed size which needs to be extinguished in order that the consulate accepted the application for execution of the document.
K to them belong:
The cost of duty is determined by the state which interests are represented by consular service. The sum always is fixed, but at the same time it can be changed without prevention according to the decision of the government.
Some countries provide the whole price list with gradation of the prices which depend on type of the visa, duration of its action and also on age of the applicant.
By analogy with a consular fee, it is a payment for the service provided by the visa center. Namely - for removal of fingerprints, documents acceptance, their check, processing and the subsequent sending to consulate. In addition, the visa centers often offer related services on simplification of process of execution of the document, but already at additional expense, not entering the above described collecting.
After payment the check which is put to the main package of documents is beaten out. It is necessary to remember that the service charge is a payment of the provided services, but not purchase of the visa and not the guarantor of its receiving. Therefore, as well as in a case with a consular fee, in case of refusal in the visa the spent sum will not return. If any additional services provided by the visa center are required, then they are paid in the same cash desk.
The visa fee and a consular fee, in fact, are the same concept when it is about registration of permission of departure abroad. But the consular fee includes more full range of services which are rendered by consulate as the organization representing the interests of the foreign state and its citizens in the foreign country, in this case - the Russian Federation.
It is possible to repay duty cash or the credit card Visa or MasterCard. In case with itself there is only a debit card, in the visa centers ATMs where it is possible to withdraw the necessary sum are installed.
The prices of visas are specified in national currency of the foreign state. But most often the fee is paid in rubles at the rate of a single embassy or at the Central Bank rate of Russia. However and it is better to specify this information on the official site of the necessary consular service. In certain cases payment can be accepted also in dollars, euro or other national currency.
Some consulates allow remote payment by means of the credit card on in advance received details. For this purpose it is possible to use special platforms on the Internet.
The visa centers are commercial organizations which mediate between tourists and consulates. But, despite a business component, they are excellent assistants for both parties. Assuming the main flow of statements, the visa centers filter and sort them, saving consulates from huge turns, decent number of the statements which are not meeting standards and the people wishing to consult on elementary questions.
As the visa centers are the organizations, independent of consulates, they do not depend on the state decisions too. Therefore the prices which they establish on the services, are dictated rather by laws of the market, but not someone's decree. In this regard the amount of a service charge is not uniform for all countries. Even for paperwork to the different states, but within one Schengen agreement, it is necessary to extinguish different cost.
The consular fee for the visa is paid by citizens of the Russian Federation, persons interested to visit the foreign state.
The service charge of the visa center is paid along with consular - after preliminary verification of the package of documents. It becomes in the cash desk which is in the same center. The prices for services are, as a rule, specified in national currency, but all calculations are made in rubles at the current rate established by concrete consulate.
There are certain groups of persons which are exempted from a consular fee and have the right for free paperwork. All countries have them different. Can treat them:
Thus, it is obvious that a visa fee & #8211; this same collection of a certain sum, as well as at execution of any other legal documents. That is work of consulate and its employees is paid, but the visa is not bought at all. For this reason at refusal in delivery of permission the sum does not return. Besides payment of service, the cost of duty includes stickers for gluing in in the passport, the seals and other expendables which are used for production of visas.
For travelers there is also an indisputable benefit:
The service charge for the visa to the Schengen area will cost from 18 to 30 euros. Most cheaper to Poland and Italy, is more expensive - to France. To learn exact cost, it is necessary to visit the official site of that visa center which is an intermediary with consulate of the necessary country and which is located most conveniently for a visit.
For example, the amount of a consular fee for all countries of the Schengen agreement is identical and is 35 euros. By consideration of documents in the accelerated mode & #8211; within three days & #8211; cost increases twice and is already 70 euros.
If to speak about a service charge for processing of visa to the Schengen area, then its cost will depend on whether the applicant needs to finger-print or it already submitted the biometric data. With dactyloscopy duty increases in a size a little. Children up to 6 years and the person with limited opportunities are exempted from payment of collecting. For them the visa is made out free of charge.
Besides the receipt, in bank it will be necessary to show the passport or copies of its pages. It is possible to make payment in any currency accepted by this office. It should be noted that for the services the bank can charge the commission to the main sum which is required to be extinguished. After payment the check which is put to the main package of documents collected for visa processing is handed out.
One of payment methods of a consular fee is use of the credit card. Will be suitable for calculation to MasterCard and Visa. It is necessary to notice that, repaying duty, the owner of the credit card gives own consent on impossibility of cancellation of operation and not return of means, including in case of the negative answer on issue of visa.
The people who for the first time faced obtaining of this sort documents for certain ask a question what is a visa fee, to a lump and why to pay it. Making out the entry visa, travelers submit a package of papers to consulates directly or through intermediaries - the visa centers or travel agencies. As a rule, such package includes a set of documents with personal information of the applicant which needs to be checked thoroughly to make the positive or negative decision on issue of visa.
The foreign citizens living in the territory of Russia use other services.
The consulate for payment of collecting can offer operation in the branch of the bank. If such option suits the applicant, then after preliminary verification of documents it is necessary to fill out the receipt provided by the employee of consular service. Further the receipt should be paid in cash desk of the bank which is the partner.
The consulate of each of the countries itself has the right to set the mode according to which it is necessary to pay a visa fee. Therefore, being going to file documents, it is necessary to study information provided on the official site of embassy of the necessary state attentively. As a rule, there are some payment methods:
At the same time the simplest - tourist - the visa in the USA costs 160 dollars. And the United Kingdom contains about thirty different types of visas, for each of which the price - from 84 US dollars for transit up to 3389 US dollars for parents, the grandmother or the grandfather of the citizen living in Britain is determined.
There are not a lot of people making trips abroad, use services of consulates directly. As a rule, they resort to the help of intermediaries - the visa centers and travel agencies. Having found one more point in a line of expenses, they ask a question what is a service charge at visa processing?
Before paying a visa fee, it is necessary to make sure that all documents are prepared truly. Availability of all necessary papers and an order of their granting are checked by the staff of consulate, visa center or travel agency before accepting payment. But if in the filed documents any mistake because of which the visa it will be refused is made, the spent sum will not be returned.
Having filled all fields in the corresponding form, at the time of payment the card holder will also have to confirm consent with a term of transaction on nonrecoverable money transfer.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru