At requests of readers: every day I become more living and happy and I do not seek to be ideal

On learning to accept yourself such what you are, and not to seek to be ideal a lot of time can leave. It is quite long way.
Happiness as if the kaleidoscope, consists of a set of pieces, the moments which we endure day by day. Depends on our relation to life whether we perceive it as a gift or as punishment.
Humanity and ability to experience emotions distinguish us from animals.
In our today's article we invite you a little to reflect on it together with us.
If we appreciate ourselves and to be proud of the achievements, respecting at the same time people around and caring for that they were happy, we will be able to make this world better for all of us.
Unless it is possible to feel more or less live, time all of us are living people? Each person is born, grows and accumulates experience, facing the reality surrounding it.
Some of us spend the most part of the life for attempts to lead life of other person. Sometimes in search of an ideal which we to ourselves drew we make infinite number of attempts to change our life in this or that party.
Do not forget that sooner or later each of us needs to arrive at an idea of need to accept and fall in love with itself such what we are. As a rule, this moment comes in youth when the teenage stage of life and the childhood remain behind. We become adults and we need revision of vital strategy.
Many women dream of an ideal body without defects which would be not subject to a current of time. But it is impossible! Even the most beautiful women of the planet and the known models cannot reach it.
If we ask what forced them to come to such opinion, they will answer that shortcomings make us unique and unique, emphasizing our identity. The magic of our appeal in the opinion of others is explained by it.
Acceptance of completely, with all nuances, small defects and advantages, helps to reach internal harmony and balance. When we are in harmony with by itself, it is easier for us to find understanding with people around.
Life is not ideal, but it does not turn into its shortcoming. There is no absolute happiness. It hides in the moments which we endure day by day.
It is very frequent to sustain such big distance to us it appears it cannot do. Ideals in which we trust actually have nothing in common with the one who we are is. In other words, they are not true and therefore they are unattainable.
To reach this level in the relations with other people, it is necessary first of all to learn to understand himself. To understand and accept. Such what you are.
To be happy does not mean at all to live without mistakes. You should not make a widespread mistake, thinking that only people whose life develops ideally, are capable to be happy.
Do not forget with everyone lived to feel in the afternoon more alive and happier and be not afraid to have shortcomings.
From whether we are able to notice and appreciate them, depends whether we will feel happy. To learn to appreciate such moments and as much as possible to enjoy each part of happiness, it is necessary to learn to love and accept itself. This first obstacle which we have to overcome.
Someone from us does not stop on beauty, and wants that all his life was ideal: great house, dream husband and beautiful children. Often it turns into obsession.
When we begin to live in harmony with by itself, with what we have and achieved in this life, there comes very important point & #8212; achievement of internal balance.
To accept itself does not mean at all to be only happy appearance. It means that we need to accept the past, with all victories, mistakes and defeats. Defeats need to be perceived as necessary life experience thanks to which we become wiser. If we look at our life in this way, it will become easier for us to accept not only the past, but also the present in all aspects of our life.
At this moment the main adventure of our life begins. Only most emotionally mature people with a healthy self-assessment will be able to enjoy a prompt stream of life completely. They know better how to use these or those vital circumstances to feel happy and to inhale air a full breast.
There are people who consider that beauty of the person consists in his shortcomings. Often so approve those who really know, than our appeal speaks.