Is updated: nests, tubules

There are certain types of pasta which differ in the large size that allows to stuff them with different stuffings. Mincemeat thanks to which full-fledged nourishing and very tasty dish turns out is most often used. It can be prepared not only for family dinners, but also to give on a holiday table.
Cream does toa dish gentle, air and very tasty. Large shells will be used in this recipe. If desired you can replace with any other sauce. The prepared ingredients will be enough for 4 portions.
We are sure that whatever recipe you chose, the result will not disappoint. Diversify a habitual diet with a tasty and original dish.
We suggest to consider the option intended for the crock-pot. Many hostesses, having such equipment of the house, all as process becomes simpler prefer to do in it.
Experiment with stuffings and with sauces that will allow to receive new and original options.
To add to a dish of taste and juiciness, it is possible to use wax, in this case is a pepper and tomatoes. For giving of spice we suggest to use Chile, but it is possible also without it.
For the stuffed shells take such products: on 400 g of shells and forcemeat, couple of bulbs, 2,5 tablespoons vegetable and 200 ml of cream, 125 g of cheese and salt there are a little butter.
It is necessary to prepare thus:
For preparation of the stuffed pasta of shells with forcemeat in an oven prepare such set of products: 0,5 kg of shells, 400 g of forcemeat, egg, couple of paprikas and 155 g of ripe tomatoes, Chile, garlic, greens and salt.
Scheme of cooking:
To prepare this dish, take: 325 g of forcemeat from chicken, a bulb, 1 tablespoon of semolina, 0,5 h a spoon of khmeli suneli, a kannellona pack, salt. To make sauce prepare: bulb, carrot, 0,5 l of cream, 3 tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper.
For preparation of the macaroni tubules stuffed with forcemeat in an oven prepare such ingredients: on 250 g of a kannellona and cheese, 0,5 g of tomatoes, 35 g of butter, on 225 g of beef and pork, a bulb, 3 tablespoons of oil, salt and black pepper.
Preparation steps:
Everything will prepare so:
For this recipe of the pasta stuffed with forcemeat in an oven it is necessary to take such set of products: 0,5 kg of "nests", 425 g of forcemeat, water, salt, pepper, a bulb, greens, on 5 tablespoons of sour cream and ketchup, 3 segments of garlic and 200 g of cheese of firm grades.
For this recipe it is necessary to get kannellon which represent large tubules them it is possible to fill with a different stuffing. We suggest to consider the traditional Italian recipe. By the way, in the homeland of this dish the basis is done independently of the test.
The dish tasty and very attractive by sight, externally is, however, similar to nests in which not eggs, but a stuffing are located. Already it is impossible to call such dish banal pasta. The prepared ingredients will be enough approximately for 5-6 portions.
Preparation process: