the Set of exercises with hulakhupy, new on the website

One of the simplest, widespread and effective apparatuses for trainings of the house is the gymnastic hoop (abuse-hup). Occupations with it do not require special skills, loading moderate, and result on condition of regular trainings - noticeable. The balanced set of exercises will help to lose weight and tighten muscles of problem area.
the Majority gets a hoop for study of a problem zone - reduction of volume, pulling up of the weakened muscles. Begin with elementary receptions, gradually switch to more difficult. The full-fledged training has to include the following exercises.
Doing these exercises with a hoop daily, literally in several weeks you will notice the first changes - the belt will be tightened, ugly "ears" from hips will disappear, the flabbiness will be gone.
The first stage - warm-up. Before a training of a muscle it is necessary to warm a little. Elementary exercise - the hoop is lifted above the head, legs part on width of shoulders. Make smooth inclinations to the right - to the left, back and forth. The following - commission of turns in different directions with deduction an abuse-hupa before.
Instruction on technology of rotation:
Torsion of a hoop is carried out in the clothes fitting, but not constraining the movement - a dense t-shirt and leggings. Wide t-shirts and sports pants - not the most suitable clothes. Bracelets and other jewelry are recommended to be removed too. To learn to twist a hoop simply - it is enough to follow the detailed instruction.
When you will be able to rotate a hoop within 20 minutes without falling, try to complicate to yourself a task. For increase in effect of exercises accelerate rotation, lower an abuse-hup on hips, move it up and down.
Add occupations with exercises for study of other groups of muscles if you are not going to use other apparatuses.
From a training with a hoop seem plain and boring. But its rotation requires good coordination of movements, ability to operate the muscles. Only at the correct use an abuse-hupa of exercise will bring benefit. Let's learn to twist a hoop correctly!
The efficiency of exercises depends on many factors. First of all, it is systematicity of occupations. Only daily trainings will give the expected result. Several useful tips will be useful to you at a stage of development of the technology of rotation.
Quicker to master all subtleties of the equipment, correctly select exercise machine weight. Too easy shell will hard hold at the necessary level, very heavy in five minutes will begin to bring unpleasant or even painful feelings. Optimum weight an abuse-hupa for beginners - from 1 to 1,5 kg.
If you wait for instant effect, then can be disappointed. As well as with any other apparatus during the work with a hoop the systematicity is important. Daily trainings 20-40 minutes in combination with a diet will shortly yield long-awaited results - shapes of a body will become more tightened, excess weight will leave, skin will become elastic.
Exercises with an abuse-hupom should not be monotonous. For achievement of noticeable effect it is necessary to force to work the greatest possible number of muscles. It is recommended to carry out a set of exercises.
Do not forget to make warm-up before twisting an abuse-hup. It is better to give any classes on well warmed muscles. It not only will facilitate a training, but also will increase efficiency.
At first rotation of a hoop can seem difficult. The first several attempts it will slip from a waist, to fall on a floor. Gradually you learn to catch its movement and to hold at one level.