Discussion: an onions peel for hair

Treatment of a head of hear - rather labor-intensive and laborious process which demands from you efforts and knowledge, and sometimes and impressive capital investments. The onions peel for hair was everywhere used still by our great-grandmothers in Russia. They skillfully restored, strengthened and painted the dense locks this, apparently, simple product.
Treatment by an onions peel for your hair - the best way to get rid of loss, thinning and other problems with a head of hear. So, how it is correct to render for curls therapeutic effect by means of so simple, available and cheap means?
We understood as it is correct to dye hair an onions peel to achieve the most different shades. And what to do if the aim of coloring is not pursued, and there is a wish to cure a head of hear such simple and available means very much?
The onions peel is remarkable also the fact that it is capable to paint over a gray hair quickly. How to dye hair an ordinary onions peel? Of course, it will borrow you much more time, than traditional painting. But this way not only will give to your head of hear of a desirable shade, but also will cure it.
As a result you will note the invested combing, natural natural volume, intensive gloss and beautiful color:
But consider - solution is capable to give to your curls of a saturated chestnut shade! Therefore such therapy is suitable only for brown-haired women and brunettes.
This method is simplest from all listed above, but demands regularity performed by. Fill in 25 g of an onions peel of 500 ml of abrupt boiled water.
It is not necessary to cook mix, it is rather simple to make infusion. They also should rinse a head of hear after each washing.
Distribute residues of medicine on all length of locks. Dry and comb your curls. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. To wash away means you should not put, moreover, it it is possible only on the clean head.
And it is admissible when using and at blondes - thus, your locks will not be painted, but will significantly become stronger, will become strong, elastic and elastic.
The onions peel concentrates in itself much more useful and nutrients, than pulp and green feathers of a product. Broths and infusions from this means will help you to strengthen locks, to make them brilliant and elastic.
Even those products which we got used to utilize can help you to make the hair beautiful, streaming, silky and sparkling. Use onions broths and infusions for hair to present them with the vital force and magic shine!
How to dye a hair an onions peel? For this purpose you should work and observe regularity. But the result of such biocolouring not only will please you with the soft shade, but also considerably will strengthen your locks, will give them healthy shine and silkiness, will smooth and will make them elastic.
Prepares the next way: Fill in 3 glasses of onions "clothes" with 2 glasses of abrupt boiled water. On moderate fire bring everything to boiling and steam within 15 minutes after it. Ready broth should be infused within 1,5-2 hours. During this time it will cool down. Then decant everything and apply massage movements to head skin.
This treatment should be combined with regular rinsings by infusions and broths from a peel for a head of hear. By means of this means it is possible not only to improve appearance of curls, but also to cure seborrhea or dandruff.
Despite medicinal properties of onions "skin", the vast majority of ladies is interested rather it in the pigmenting effect. And it is quite proved - natural dyes, unlike chemical, do not harm a cortex at all, and even render for it lasting medical effect.
Thus, the peel for hair is used 2-3 times a week. The structure is stood not less than 2 hours then it is washed away by flowing water with soft bessulfatny shampoo.
To paint over a gray hair and to provide strengthening of health of hair at their chronological aging, it is necessary to add glycerin in number of 2 tsps on a glass to strong solution which preparation is painted in the last point.
It is better for blondes and fair-haired women to try alternative means, for example, lemon juice.
If your curls strongly suffered from influence of ammonia and other chemicals and also constant heat treatments, we recommend to you not to stop on conditioners alone made of a peel. It is necessary to use also pulp of onions, making of it the most effective masks.
This option of coloring for brown-haired women and chestnut-colored hair is most optimum. If your curls black, hardly you manage to achieve change of their color. If they absolutely light - natural color can deteriorate, having accepted rather dirty and red shade.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru