Popular : natural cleaners for the bathroom

As all of us know, purity in the bathroom is very important. This room is a source of bacteria and dirt, for the sake of our health and its hygiene it is necessary to remove correctly. How many cleaners do you usually buy for cleaning of the bathroom?
First that we will make, it we will cover with soda a toilet bowl from within, then we will leave for half an hour that means began to work. Thus, we not only will perfectly clean and we will disinfect a toilet bowl, but also we will get rid of this unpleasant raid which often appears over time.
After infusion from rosemary cools down, add 5 drops of essential oil of a tea tree. Pour this mix in a bottle with the spray, and clean a tile, as with usual means, by means of a sponge or fabric. You will be convinced what pleasant smell has this means!
This way is useful to cleaning of the most stubborn pollution, after it the tile will begin to shine as new. For this purpose heat 4 liters of water (it is not necessary to bring to boiling). Then add other ingredients: vinegar, baking soda, nashatyrny спирт… Take a small mop and moisten it with this ecological mix, wipe a surface of all tile in the bathroom. Then dry wipe pure fabric. Gloss will appear instantly.
The hostess for record: vinegar, a lemon and soda are three main natural assistants for maintenance of purity of your house. It is a fine alternative to chemical cleaners.
As you see, cleaning of the bathroom in & #171; эко» - style & #8212; it is very simple so it is worth trying these recipes, you with guarantee will receive very good results. Now we convinced you to test them at home?
From the bathroom we will arrive also. Let's begin with baking soda. However, in this case, you can rub it also a sponge to remove annoying spots from soap which always remain on a bathtub surface. Further, close discharge by a stopper and pour out a bucket of hot water that it was easier for you to clean each corner to the bathroom. When you finish, open discharge and merge dirty water.
If your cranes are covered with a thick layer of a limy raid, then it is necessary to use the clean apple cider vinegar which is not diluted with water. Apply it directly on cranes and leave to work within 10 minutes. Then, using an old toothbrush, properly clean the most polluted places. After that polish cranes with pure dry fabric. You will see how they will begin to shine at once, it is very effective way.
It is possible to use this elementary way two times a week. You will see that it yields excellent result. If you want that the toilet besides disinfection, also well had a pleasant smell, then it is possible to part 5 drops of essential oil of a tea tree on water half of liter. This best natural disinfectant, from all existing in the nature. Leave it to work on all night long, and in the morning you will please a clean toilet with a good smell.
After that, we will wash away soda a bucket of hot water with addition of apple cider vinegar. By means of a sponge or a brush, we will clean all surface to remove residues of soda and pollution. What can be simpler? Now just lower water, and it is ready.
How you look at learning about an alternative way of cleaning in the bathroom? We will make it by means of more eco-friendly, safe and inexpensive cleaners. They precisely will be pleasant to you!
Disinfectants for a toilet and the bathroom, cleaners for a tile, glasses and floor покрыти¤… There is a lot of them! And, as you know, most of them contains the chemicals, extremely dangerous, as for your health, and the environment.
2. Clarification of a tile
It is very simple. To clean a tile in the bathroom, at first we will make infusion of three branches of rosemary and liter of water. This herb works as excellent disinfectant, and in combination with essential oil of a tea tree, it will become even more effective, and will add to a tile surface glossy gloss.
The following products will be necessary for you:
Purity of a toilet and the bathroom is important. On the one hand, we want that they were clean and free from harmful bacteria, but also we try to prevent any damages and blockages of pipes. So, let's test plain house cleaner which result of action will surprise you. Write down:
It is also simple, as well as is effective. As you could already notice, apple cider vinegar is an irreplaceable component in recipes of the natural and not demanding monetary expenses of means for cleaning of the bathroom. For this purpose, it is just necessary to mix in a bottle with the diffuser water and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions.
3. Cleaners for plumbing fixtures
Source: http://photo-rai.ru