Popular : how to be harmonious, but also not to remain hungry

In case withdrawal for sleeping after 22:00, then it is possible to arrange the third having a snack, let it will be a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.
The second having a snack follows at dinner, it is about 15-16 hours, at this time it is necessary to eat something proteinaceous. Very well yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese will approach, it will betray sense of fulness to an organism. At 18-19 o'clock it is necessary to have supper, is desirable a little, but is nourishing, meat/fish with vegetables very good option.
By experts in the field of healthy nutrition it was proved long ago that three meals a day promote a set of weight. Long intervals between receptions of food promote a metabolic disorder, the organism for hunger lays a fat in store, but does not spend it, thereby weight increases. For maintenance of health of an organism and, at the same time, weight loss, the bowl needs to eat, 5-6 times during the day are desirable. At the same time, food constantly comes to an organism, he does not feel hungry, and, respectively, lays nothing in store. What is it is necessary to eat in breaks between a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner to lose weight?
And finally if suddenly it is impossible to have a bite on the place, then it is very relevant to such cases to keep in a bag or in the car something nourishing for having a snack, let it will be a bag of nuts, it is desirable crude without salt, bar of muesli, apple or yogurt. It is a lot of place will not take, but will very strongly help out you at the time of hunger and will save from fast food, chips and the wrong food.
Not to starve, having a snack has to be not really high-calorie, about 100-150 calories. It has to be nutritious, but not fat, and compact that it was convenient to take with itself, for work, study, walk. Options for having a snack: Fruit (banana, pear, apple, grapefruit) and vegetables (a cucumber, tomato, pepper, arugula, lettuce leaves) and also, salads from them; Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.; Muesli from cereals, dried fruits and https://www.hudeem-bez-problem.ru/myusli-poxudeniya.htm berries; Nuts, but me more than 20 grams, they are very high-calorie; Pastries from whole-wheat flour, small loafs from such flour can be smeared with cream cheese with greens; If, there is a strong wish for some sweet, then 1-2 candies, a zephyr or fruit jelly it is possible to afford. The correct time for having a snack
To have a bite when there is a feeling of hunger incorrectly, it is necessary to make a start from when there was the last meal. It is desirable, to eat each 2-4 hours, small portions.
If the breakfast was at 7 o'clock in the morning, then having come itself can employ the second breakfast, it is desirable to eat something carbohydrate, energy at the beginning of day will not damage to an organism. Then the lunch on which it is necessary to eat well, ahead a half more of day follows.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru