the Rack the description, types, application, classification, from our readers

1) Universal. Racks which scope is not limited: warehouses, at home, offices - does not matter.
4) Console racks will be suitable for storage of lengthy materials, such as boards, pipes, bars or corners.
5) Household. The racks finding application in house conditions. On them books, vases and other home decoration have. Besides apartments, such products use at dachas and in garages.
4) Warehouse racks are intended for warehouses. On them store various materials and freights. Such designs differ in the increased durability and wear resistance.
2) High wear resistance.
3) Exhibition. As appears from the name, this metal furniture is used at various exhibitions, in the museums and in trade. The simplest examples are the stained-glass window and a show-window.
3) Cargo. As appears from the name, such racks are intended for storage of freights on pallets or in containers.
4) A variety of the range in the market.
2) Office. Racks which are used for storage not only documents, but also any small objects necessary near a workplace.
1) Flexibility and mobility of a konstrktion.
Main advantages of metal racks:
Design of racks.
3) Esthetic type and possibility of the choice of color of a design.
The rack is the type of furniture intended for storage of various things and consisting of the many-tier floorings which are located on racks. The main advantage of modern metal racks is economy of space and good optimization of access to objects.
1) Archival. The racks provided for storage of documentation and other waste paper.
You can choose a suitable rack in the catalog of the Ceres company. At us you will find the wide range of qualitative and relevant metal furniture which will serve to you for many years.
2) Mobile racks are necessary for reorganization and re-equipment of various rooms.
Racks meet in many industries of activity of the person and are divided into several types:
Will not be opening if I begin with the fact that all racks have approximately similar design: vertical racks on which beams and regiments are located. Thickness and a form of elements directly depends on rack type. Characteristic of racks is that they collapsible that considerably decreases expenses on their transportation, does them flexible concerning assembly and accelerates installation of a design (a possibility of addition of additional elements in a design).
In addition, racks divide into subclasses as the device: