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Good evening!
you specialize in migration policy? Received RVP in the simplified order on a marriage of 14.07.2015 in the Leningrad Region, further it was registered for 3 years. Now I prepare documents for the residence permit, I will give after 14.01.2016. Questions of the following character: & #8211; confirmation дохода– confirmation of the right собственности– column relatives
So, I am a student of a magistracy, I get a grant of 1400-2000 rubles a month and also I am dependent on the spouse + parents send money or when come give. In references & #8211; I do not understand. How did understand, it has to take 2-ndfl (works in SPB), for last year? It replaced the place of work in June, 2015. But until the end of May, 2015 worked in other similar organization & #8211; that is one reference from there (from January, 2015 to May) and about one from the present place of work (from May to January, 2016)? 12 minima for two have to be in that case? And at least across SPB or the Leningrad Region? its work and my study in SPB are registered in the Leningrad Region. The difference in 2 thousand in month, for two 4, and in 12 months, is 48 thousand, it is a lot of. If at it for two is not enough, I can partially confirm with a grant + the account statement of cash cards? Actively used within a year & #8211; arrival of means, expenditure.
Column property & #8211; about 3 years not really I understand whether it is necessary for the spouse's uncle where I and the spouse are entered, to provide the certificate on property, its passport, also to arrive to the Office of the Federal Migration Service? or how to confirm?
Column relatives & #8211; at the time of giving on rvp parents were in SPB, shopping malls won back a wedding, now again in the homeland, it turns out I specified in the first case that they here also do not work, now I enter what in the homeland and also their place of work?
to fill a form on each leaf or the 2-sided press is admissible?
statement residence permit of the Russian Federation. Paragraph 11. Eight months in 2015 worked neofitsa. What sum needs to be had on the bank account, for to provide the reference to on Paragraph 11 of the called statement.