Updating: how to find and recruit the best candidates

Hello to you, dear reader.
we Continue bya conversation on leader lessons from Randi Gage.
Here the reason of failures which I observe at some distributors is. They try to attract in every way people in business, enticing them gifts, privileges, discounts. And people go. But as soon as the action comes to an end, and time of serious work comes, they just evaporate. Also the new circle begins. Vicious circle.
Do you think that we sell vitamins, dietary supplements, cream, shampoos Е?
I will not learn how to work with the "warm" and "cold" markets for search of candidates. On this subject material suffices. And we will talk with what people it is necessary to work.
First of all it is necessary to understand that if your potential candidate considers network marketing a pyramid for pumping out of money, then it is not necessary to overpersuade him. It is not necessary to spend the precious time and forces for the person not just unprepared, and closed for new opportunities.
Therefore you have to think not "Whom I will be able to tighten in it?", and "I want to offer a lump this opportunity?"
No! We sell FREEDOM. We offer people an opportunity to become owners of the life. We offer them an opportunity to define own destiny. And we offer them business with an unlimited source of income. Or rather, limited only to our own thoughts.
Sorting of people has to become the purpose of sponsoring: clients, distributors, business partner.
We do not need such people. They need our offer.
Information business means that we offer new opportunities and we look, the person is ready to consider them or not. If he is sure that the world stands on turtles, you should not try to attract it in business.
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Here I want to give an example of competent, in my opinion, approach of the famous network sales manager Alexander Telezhnikov which team created the excellent movie "Answer". And in the beginning he gives to the candidate the chance to obtain the opinion of the famous and highly respected people, and only after it carries on a serious conversation on business.
In the previous articles I acquainted you with 5 conditions necessary for success in network marketing. And today we will talk about how to find and recruit the best candidates.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru