Ways of emigration and obtaining the residence permit in 2019, from our readers

Dominican Republic is located on east and central part of the well-known island of Haiti. Unlike the state of the same name located in the neighbourhood, Dominican Republic differs in the quite good level of development that does this direction extremely popular with citizens which leave the different countries of the world including at emigrants from Russia.
Loyal migration policy of Dominican Republic is explained by desire of local authorities to attract wealthy investors and other categories of the persons capable to invest in economy.
For receiving ID it will be required to be in special department - sedulasyon in which from the immigrant 2000 rubles for registration of a sedula will demand payment. After its receiving it is necessary to go to migration police for obtaining the residence permit again. It will cost 2700 rubles and it is possible only in the presence of a sedula - Dominican ID.
The traveler wishing to move will need to submit the full package of documents then to expect the end of its consideration. The following will be required:
After readiness of documents on which the immigrant is informed personally it is necessary to visit office of migration police in the same place and to receive additional documents, they will be required for registration of a sedula further.
In spite of the fact that collect the similar package of documents can seem difficult, it is necessary to understand that further at registration of a permanent residence many of them will already be in the local register of data, and therefore it will not be required to provide them again.
Something is a lot of everything. And if to seek a political asylum on the place?
This stage differs in comparative simplicity, though has a number of features. First of all, the applicant will need to be present at office of migration police in which its new status will be made out personally. As a rule, the procedure does not differ in complexity as all registration happens practically in one window.
Consideration of papers of the candidate for the residence permit takes half a year and more, and passing of medical board in local establishment will cost 6500 rubles.
In addition, the permanent residence in Dominican Republic has the mass of advantages before a standard tourist visa. It is necessary to carry the following to them:
In spite of the fact that the received permanent residence allows the person to be in Dominican Republic unlimited time, time in 2 years will also be required to prolong it. Difference of a permanent residence from nationality - in impossibility to choose and be elected and also in the restriction which is not allowing to leave the country for a year. As a rule, at this stage moving to Dominican Republic on a permanent residence is considered complete.
The standard questionnaire which filling is required for obtaining the majority of visa documents. As language English can be used go Spanish. The certificate on passing of medical board which confirms absence of AIDS and other diseases, dangerous to society. It is extremely important that the institution in which researches will be conducted was accredited in government institutions. The original and the copy of the international passport, whose validity period are exceeded by 1,5 years. A standard photo on documents. The certificate of lack of criminal record in the Russian Federation and Dominican Republic. The birth certificate, its copies in Spanish which underwent vising. Documentation confirming marital status of the candidate. The letter guarantee from the acting citizen of Dominican Republic who in case of problems with the law is ready to incur all expenses. Confirmation of desire to receive the document and also the indication of the program according to which it is supposed to be made.
The questionnaire on the visa to Dominican Republic can be downloaded here.
The authorities allow a possibility of execution of the residence permit to those persons whose income allows them to live and not to carry out any labor or commercial activity.
Total periods of consideration of the submitted papers vary and reach 2 months from the moment of giving. The similar service paid, cost makes it 15 000 rubles. After obtaining the necessary document of the tourist Dominican Republic where it will require to go obtaining the residence permit expects.
The package of documents will be identical, given above, but there are also exceptions:
In spite of the fact that the state is located in a zone of tropics, high temperature in Dominican Republic is transferred by Russians much more simply. It is explained by proximity of the Caribbean Sea and also numerous seasonal winds which do stay conditions by more comfortable here.
For pensioners, the threshold in $1500, and for able-bodied citizens - $2000 is established that allows to move to permanent residence to citizens, using the visa of the investor.
Considering the reasons for which immigration to Dominican Republic enjoys so high popularity, it should be noted, first of all, climatic specifics.
The same question interests.
Despite the loyal migration legislation, in Dominican Republic nevertheless there is a number of requirements to those categories of guests of the country who are interested how to move to this state. The bases for obtaining the residence permit, can become:
For receiving a permanent residence in this island state it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions. According to the last requirements, the traveler will need to issue in Russia the special visa in Embassy of Dominican Republic which is called the migration card.
Process of receiving a permanent residence is much simpler as the main part of documents was already submitted to supervisory authorities. Nevertheless many papers all the same should be provided repeatedly as data in them could lose relevance.
However not always the tourist, the interested how to leave the Russian Federation constantly to live in the territory of Dominican Republic, has to choose between above-mentioned options of legalization of the stay.
It is valid within a year, for registration it will be required to collect the following documents:
Source: http://photo-rai.ru