Updating: whether it is necessary, transit and change

Such papers as are surely provided:
It is much simpler to receive the residence permit in Bahrain which is available also to Russians. For this purpose observance of at least one of the following conditions is necessary:
It will be required to provide the ticket to the country of destination and also the visa or the entry visa for receiving a transit visa in it. Payment of collecting which averages about 25 BHD will act as the last step. It is possible to deposit funds and in U.S. dollars.
The way of receipt of a visa after an arrival in one of the airports which are in the Kingdom of Bahrain is available to Russians in 2019. To seize this opportunity, it is necessary to get the entry visa to the country from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the state of Bahrain.
It is necessary to be ready to the fact that the embassy will refuse the visa without explanation. Unfortunately, from it nobody is insured.
The term during which the visa at the appeal to department of consulate at embassy is made out averages from 5 to 15 days. Receipt of a visa after an arrival is carried out slightly quicker - up to 10 days. For this reason it is necessary to think of obtaining the document at least in 2-3 weeks prior to the planned trip.
Annually the country is visited by more than 8 million people who could get successfully admission on entrance - it means, as you with high probability receive the desired visa and visit Bahrain.
Good afternoon, Anastasia! To receive the visa to Bahrain, the citizen of Tajikistan has to address to Consulate of Bahrain in the place of residence.
At itself it is necessary to have 25 BHD for payment of collecting which if desired can be paid in dollars, the international passport, the ticket for a way back or to the third country, and a migration card.
In case of lack of the document on booking of hotel it is possible to provide personal data of the accepting sponsor. Also at itself it is recommended to have a stock of money on residence in the country that makes about 100 dollars on one person a day.
Also at entrance duty is provided of 5% for the motor transport. It is not raised only if the car is registered in SSAGPZ.
The person who plans to visit Bahrain for rest or on work and also transit can resort to visa processing on the Internet. In order that to make it, it is necessary to fill out the special questionnaire on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain. Also it will be required to pay the fee of 29 BHD, it is possible to pay it with the credit card. Attention - at refusal in the visa money will not be returned!
It is rather difficult to obtain citizenship of Bahrain to the foreigner - for this purpose it is necessary or to be born in this country, or to live in it not less than 25 years. In certain cases the nationality is given to the persons having faultless reputation, knowing Arabic and the real estate in the territory of the kingdom and who got the written permission of the governor.
Bahrain differs in low crime rate and almost zero terrorist threat. Thanks to it the Kingdom of Bahrain can be visited with small children, without worrying about safety. Free movement across the state territory is allowed to tourists.
Before a trip to Bahrain it is necessary not only to receive the visa, but also it is good to be prepared for arrival. In particular, it is necessary to get separate permissions to the following property:
The person is a relative or the member of the family of the person having nationality or the residence permit in Bahrain.
Duration of the residence permit in this kingdom averages 2 years. In case of need the term of its action can be prolonged. If you have the residence permit, then can legally get any job in Bahrain.
The person planning a trip is obliged at least in 10 days prior to alleged flight to send to the sponsor the fax containing information on the purpose of arrival and duration of stay in the country and also a photocopy of the homepage of the international passport.
The Russians wishing to get to Bahrain for the purpose of tourism can make it on the simplified procedure.
The most popular among travelers and business people in the way of receipt of a visa to Bahrain is submission of the special statement in one of consulates. This option is available also to Russians. Each Embassy of Bahrain reserves legitimate right of the requirement of the additional list of documents.
Bahrain is attractive not only to persons interested to get well paid work, but also for fans of travel and rest. The visa to Bahrain to Russians in 2019 is necessary, it is possible to receive it on an arrival, in advance having paid collecting online through the Internet or in consulate of this Arab country.
After processing of visa to the Kingdom of Bahrain on passport control in the international passport a mark which period of validity expires 14 days later is given. In case of need it is possible to prolong term for two weeks. It is possible to make it in immigration service of Bahrain.
The visa received via the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs acts on an extent of one calendar month from the moment of delivery. The allowed term of stay in the country is two weeks which if necessary it is possible to prolong once for similar term. It is necessary to remember that receipt of a visa on the Internet is impossible in case prior to a trip there are less than three and more than 30 days.
The international passport possessing the validity period expiring not earlier than in three months after the planned end of a trip. The original or a photocopy (it is possible to send the fax) the special invitation which has to be sent by the sponsor. As the sponsor the natural or legal entity which chose a place of registration the Kingdom of Bahrain can act. The purpose of a visit and its terms have to be registered in it information about invited and invited and also. The copy of the homepage of the international passport which contains personal data. Two photos of a format 3,5 by 4,5 centimeters. They have to be identical and made on a monophonic background in six months prior to the appeal to consulate.
For the entry visa of the minor it is necessary to submit the certificate on its birth. Nuances are and for married women is younger than forty years whose surname is other than a surname of the husband - the visa to Bahrain to them can be allowed only on providing the marriage certficate to the copy (in case of a trip without spouse).
After obtaining permission to the e-mail address specified at registration of the questionnaire the letter containing permission will be sent. It needs to be unpacked and taken with itself in the road then to provide to employees of passport control together with the international passport at entry into the country.
The accurate formulation of a purpose of visit and the invitation from the influential sponsor will help to increase chances of obtaining the entry visa.
In case the natural person plans to stay in Bahrain not longer than eight hours, without leaving at the same time the territory of an inspection zone of the airport, the transit visa is not necessary to it.
It became possible thanks to introduction in 2008 of the simplified visa regime which works in the country. For receiving a tourist visa it is necessary to submit the following documents and papers to Embassy of Bahrain:
The transit visa is necessary in case the natural person 72 hours from the moment of crossing of border are not planned to be in Bahrain longer. It is possible to receive such type of the visa directly after an arrival in the airport during change. In this case it is possible not to disturb Embassy of Bahrain and to do without the admission of migration service.
The sponsor as whom the natural or legal entity registered in the kingdom can act is engaged in receiving this admission.
How to receive a tour. the visa to citizens of Tajikistan to Bahrain?
You should not forget that Bahrain has the cultural traditions about which each foreign guest should know. The respect of local customs not only will save from problems with the law and the conflicts with the population, but also considerably will increase chances of repeated receiving and extension of the visa and also of execution of the residence permit.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru