Kot watches the horror film and sincerely worries about the main character this video blew up the Internet, interesting

Animals are incredibly acute and understand everything that is told them by the person or that occurs in human life. Even in spite of the fact that animal consciousness very much differs from human. I think, you noticed that the dog reacts to your talk with it, as well as cats. But a cat from our roller simply something! He watches the horror film together with the hostess. It seems that he understands every second the events on the screen.
Only look aton his muzzle! It attentively watches each movement of characters. This horror film very much influences a cat! He goggled and, having nearly opened a mouth, looks at the screen. And when the heroine of the horror film cried, the cat at once escaped from a fright! It is surprising how he understands everything? Did you pay attention to the emotions or emotions of the friend when you watch horror films? Emotions of a cat are identical with human! How does he manage it? Our animals will never cease to surprise us. We look at the most impressionable cat rather!
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Source: http://photo-rai.ru