These plastic containers are dangerous to children, is updated

Parents, attention! The fresh report of the American academy of pediatrics warns against some cases of use of plastic ware and containers for storage of the products intended for food of children.
Besides, phthalates which do plastic to more flexible "can influence development of male genitals, strengthen children's obesity and promote cardiovascular diseases", & #8212; representatives say, having noted that some phthalates in such children's goods as rings for a teething, were already forbidden by Commission on Security of consumer products last year.
Doctors also do not recommend to wash plastic containers or cups in the dishwasher.
For example, bisphenols, such as BPA, are often used for plastic hardening. But this chemical "can work in an organism as estrogen (female sex hormone & #8212; an editor's note) and potentially to change puberty time, to reduce fertility, to increase fatty deposits and to affect nervous and immune systems", & #8212; representatives of Academy speak.
Doctors of Academy do not recommend to warm food in the microwave, having put in plastic ware: the chemicals used for plastic production can come into contact with food at influence of microwaves. These substances constitute health hazard, especially, if it is about children, New York Post writes.
As a safe alternative the Academy of pediatrics recommends to use glass or ceramic capacities.
When such changes happen in the containers safe for use in the microwave, it means that & #171; the certain area which is not intended for engagement with foodstuff comes to them into contact therefore more chemicals can migrate in food", & #8212; Rolf Halden, the director of the Center of environmental safety of Institute of bioinvestigation at the Arizonian state university goovrit.
And though some plastic containers are designated as & #171; suitable for microwave печи» these objects can also pose a threat for health if they were scratched or changed color.