to Download free of charge a sample of the contract of sale of the apartment in 2018, from our users

Practically everyone in the life at least once, but dealt with purchase or sale of inhabited property. Where to download a sample of the contract of purchase and sale of the apartment in 2019 and how it is competent to fill it? Let's tell everything one after another.
If for any reasons the representative of one of the parties cannot be present at the transaction, then within his interests the authorized representative can be involved. In that case it is necessary to use a sample of the contract of purchase and sale of the apartment by proxy.
In any of the offered options after detailed reading and coordination on all questions of the party document the consent and fasten the contract with the signatures.
After that the transaction is considered carried out.
It is also important to know that such contract is made out in number of three copies: on one for each party, and the third - for registering body as a sign of property right transition confirmation.
At the beginning of filling of a written form are specified the city in which the event, and date of the conclusion of the transaction is made. The information about the interested participants of the procedure registers in the next columns. Their full name, date of birth, passport data and the addresses on registration belong to obligatory information on the parties.
Not less serious clause of the contract is the financial moment. Contract price to which the parties came at oral discussion is specified initially completely and is not subject to change. In our example specially there is a phrase that the sum of payment is already received by the seller. By all means pay attention to similar nuances.
The form of the contract of purchase and sale of the apartment is made in such a way that further it is offered to describe a condition of the apartment acting as a subject of the transaction that is in detail to specify its location, a quadrature, quantity and structure of rooms. It is very important to pay attention to confirmation of that fact that the sold housing really is in personal property at the seller, without participle to it other persons.