the Standard of living in the country, the most interesting

That in these perspective countries registration of nationality & #8212; the procedure is difficult, it is necessary to pay attention to such country as Bolivia.
If to speak about minuses, then the passport of Bolivia does not belong to so-called good documents for travel. Practically Bolivians visit all countries of the world by the visa.
It is necessary to provide such documents for registration of nationality:
Latin America & #8212; perspective direction. It is clear, that for immigration Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Panama are considered as the best countries here. But it is quite difficult to obtain citizenship of these countries, and for the short period it cannot be made in any way (except for Panama, registration of nationality in this country is carried out in accelerated an order).
Embassy of Bolivia in Moscow:
Bolivia and Spain have an agreement providing presence of dual citizenship at residents of these countries (if desired the citizen of Bolivia in the accelerated mode, approximately for 2 years, can obtain citizenship of Spain, so and nationality of the European Union with all that it implies).
It is interesting that recently the Russian pensioners began to make out the Bolivian citizenship in large quantities. Most likely, it is connected with the fact that even small, to the Russian measures, pension allows to exist quite comfortably in Bolivia, to enjoy the hot sun and proximity of the ocean and the Andes.
You look in video: food prices in Bolivia.
Many Russians were interested in a question now as it is possible to obtain citizenship of Bolivia. Acquisition of second citizenship & #8212; a question which concerns many residents of our country for today. Also it is not just about moving or an opportunity it is termless to have a rest outside Russia, it is, about business immigration.
It does not agree that the country sad! Bolivians in every respect very pleasant people! Optimistic, hospitable, proud. Like to eat well and are a good judge of cooking. From shortcomings & #8212; unreliability. Promise and even swear that will be made, но… alas. The climate is very different. Evening and especially night madly cold, day & #8212; hot. There are droughts and floods. But it is not critical. Spring & #8212; it is magnificent! Everything that maybe cannot blossom blossoms. Sunny and pleasantly! Often there are demonstrations and meetings, but they are some fake. An impression that the people simply were organized to hang out. Medicine. In maternity hospital it is possible to come to visit the relative almost right after the birth of the kid. The separate, well equipped chamber with the TV, excellent leaving. Not bad and rather cheap teeth treat. Surprisingly, but on 5+ treat oncology. Many doctors get an education in the USA therefore physicians are not bad trained. Public transport, generally old. Street trade is widespread. Confuses nobody that it is possible to sit down easily near the busy thoroughfare and to have a bite hot soup which prepares right there. Fruit inexpensive and various. Very tasty ice cream! Great variety of small benches and little shops in which with soap wash the floor. It is hard to say what Bolivia for moving on a permanent residence, but climate, goodhearted and not boastful people, cheap products, quite easily learned language - indisputable pluses for life of those who dream to replace the residence.
The citizenship of Bolivia actually gives the mass of advantages which a little devoted person also does not guess.
Public transport in Bolivia is developed poorly, and all have privately owned vehicles not.
If 3 million for nationality, then what sense to move that to give a half for nationality?!
You can learn in detail about work in Latin America according to the reference.
Food prices in Bolivia low. It is possible to buy everything, from vegetables and fruit to meat.
List of the documents which are required for registration of a tourist or working visa, standard. An exception is only the certificate confirming that arrived to the country it is imparted from yellow fever. So, it is necessary for visa processing:
It is important to remember that the Russian citizens have the right to leave to Bolivia without visa for a period of up to 90 days.
Questionnaires you can download the form on our website at this link.
Population of Bolivia & #8212; Indians and metises. And by the number of Indians Bolivia & #8212; the leader among the Latin American countries. Speak on mix of local dialects and Spanish. State language & #8212; Spanish.
Though it is possible to buy any model, the prices in Bolivia to the European and Russian measures low. Gasoline costs little, and not really good here are expensive. The best choice & #8212; the SUV, especially if you live in rural areas.
Bolivia the country small, has no outlet to the sea, is surrounded with the Andes so with the real estate in Bolivia, especially in the large cities, a situation difficult. And here the house in rural areas can quite be got. Will cost it (to the Russian measures) not expensively.
Thus, immigration to Bolivia & #8212; the question interesting many citizens of Russia, persons interested to live abroad. Difficulties of labor emigration especially confuse nobody, it is enough to live in Bolivia 1 year and 9 months, to obtain citizenship and it is possible to go to live to Spain. At first in resident status, and in 24 months in the status of the full citizen of the European Union.
It is clear, that life in Bolivia is a little similar to the fairy tale, Latin America & #8212; it is after all not North America. On the other hand, the knowing people call this country long ago the Latin American Tibet as it is strongly isolated from other countries of Latin America, and it is, strangely enough, great advantage. In the neighbourhood with big Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina actually it is not enough what good.
There is a real opportunity to live in this country. Bolivia & #8212; the country to the Russian measures not expensive, and the person even with the small capital will be able to be arranged with comfort here.
Work in this country in 2019 is not at all. A large number of locals lives below the poverty line, but citizens of Bolivia have an opportunity to leave freely on earnings to the Latin American, North American and European countries. And here to the foreign expert with medical, technical education and also to the representative of science it is easy to find work in Bolivia though the salary will be lower, than in the same Brazil.
It is possible to obtain citizenship on the basis of origin, on the basis of residence in the country for 2 years. For some categories of citizens this term is reduced to one year. Can give on nationality in a year those who have:
During registration of nationality, the person (or the whole family) has to be in the territory of Bolivia. The procedure of registration in general can last from 6 to 9 months. Cost of the procedure & #8212; 50-90 thousand dollars. All documents of the Russian Federation have to be translated into Spanish and to be notarized.
Pay attention to video: preparation of documents for residence in Bolivia on a permanent residence.
Bolivia & #8212; sad country. So Latinos call Bolivia due to the lack of an exit to the ocean. Eternal revolutions, poverty and eternal problems. Do you need such immigration?
All interested are concerned by such questions:
If the term of stay exceeds 90 days, then visa processing is obligatory. It can be issued as in Embassy of Russia, and on arrival to the country.