the Best beaches of the resort Santorini with black, white and red sand a season 2019, at requests of readers

Santorini is famous for unique beaches. Their feature is that sand on them - different flowers. Most of all on the island of black beaches, but it is not absolutely sand, and the crushed volcanic breed which appeared after a volcanic eruption.
Here too it is possible to find all necessary for occupations beach and water sports, and for children the zone with attractions and animators is equipped.
The red beach officially is called Akrotiri in honor of the city of the same name which is a row, however, from the city there were only ancient ruins.
Santorini washes the Aegean Sea which is in east part of the Mediterranean Sea, and the island is a part of the archipelago of Cyclades. For the first time people lodged about five thousand years ago here, but in those days outlines of the island differed from a modern look.
You watch the video about the red beach on the island of Santorini:
The Greek island of Santorini which also carries Fir's names, Santorini or the Shooting gallery - the unique resort with a large number of sights and beaches.
The beach is adapted for family holiday not only because of a large number of attractions and the impressive playground, but also because the beach rather safe and shallow.
It is possible to reach the island in several ways, but there are no direct flights from Russia here. There are several available options:
In the following article you can study the list of the best and unique beaches of the world.
Just during this period because of movement of air masses huge waves rise, and only thrill-seekers prefer to swim on Akrotiri at this time.
The beach is in the bay Colombo which is located in only 10 kilometers from Fira, the capital of the island. It is rather quiet and extended beach which will suit fans of lonely rest more. Not to find entertainments to Colombo, but all necessary for comfortable stay (sun beds, umbrellas and several bars) is here.
Unlike other "black" beaches the coastline here rather wide, but here is less than vacationers.
Sand does not look such here dark as it is mixed with pebble of lighter color.
It is rather small beach which does not enjoy popularity at the beginning of a tourist season.
Contents: What sea washes Santorini? The coast with black sand & #8212; photo of Colombo of Periss Perivolos Kamari Vlikhad Monolitos the Best color Red White beaches
Along all coastline it is possible to see abrupt rocks which under the influence of winds for thousands of years received interesting "jewelry" in the form of a fancy ornament.
The southern beach, to which from Perissa only three kilometers. It is interesting that marriage ceremonies exactly here are for some reason held - such tradition developed at locals long ago, and foreign tourists too often come to Pervolos for holding a wedding.
On Santorini there are two beaches with sand of other flowers - red and white. These are too popular vacation spots which have the features.
There are many other resorts of Greece where tourists aspire for the sake of an opportunity to swim for a while in the warm Aegean Sea and to leave with beautiful suntan, but the Santorini beaches attract those who prefer exotic and unique vacation spots.
Read the rating of the most expensive and most beautiful hotels of the world where one of positions is occupied by Santorini hotel in our article.
Read also in this article about services and service in the Greek hotels.
Contrary to silent Colombo Perissa - the center of entertainments. The beach is at the foot of the mountain Meza Vuno, in 15 kilometers from the capital. On the beach very coarse dark gray sand, and at once at an entrance to water it is possible to find huge stone plates which were formed as a result of running off in water of the boiling lava.
Approximately in 1 500 BC there was an eruption of the volcano of the same name because of what island contours considerably changed.
But during the high season the beach is completely filled, and not so much fans to swim for a while how many photographers of all colors which want to make exotic photos. In general this beach is rather a sight, than the vacation spot, besides from rocks which are located behind it, stones often collapse, and for this time of Akrotiri completely close.
Besides a large number of night clubs, restaurants and cafe of vacationers windless weather attracts on Perisse: even during storm it is rather silent here as from winds this area is closed by Meza Vuno.
Santorini - very friendly resort of Greece which is famous not only for beaches, but also fine monuments to antiquity. But those who goes to the island only with the purpose to bathe and sunbathe should get acquainted previously with weather on the island on months as there are periods when it is simply impossible to be risen to the sea and the holiday will be spent in vain.
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This beach is considered the cleanest on the island, for as received a mark of the European "Blue Flag".
On the beach there is all necessary for rest:
Such beaches on the island about twenty, but some from them found popularity among tourists and locals.
The white beach - only on Santorini where it is impossible to get by bus or on foot. It is completely surrounded with high steep rocks, and only boats from Akrotiri port go here. This most lonely place on the island, but at the same time not all romantics wish to visit this place as conditions for rest on the white beach - minimum:
One of minuses of this beach - its openness which does rest uncomfortable at the rising wind. Also some inconvenience is given by the planes going for take off and landing on nearby airfield.
It is also necessary to note an inconvenient entrance to the sea: these are large sharp stones which sometimes alternate a stone tile, and so several tens of meters. The only thing for the sake of what it is worth visiting this place - excellent picturesque landscapes and an opportunity to admire the Aegean Sea in a privacy.
The lack of a large number of people is explained just by the fact that because of these rocks nearby to the coastline it was impossible to construct hotels, and only at the beginning of the beach it is possible to find a little average level of hotels.