Symptoms, the reasons, treatment, is curious

Published: 19.1.2018
maniacal depression: symptoms, reasons, treatment

Active discussion of a problem of a depression in society helps not only to accept a problem, but also constantly to look for an exit how to cure or prevent it. Meanwhile, of the real mental disease - the maniacal depression - to a wide range of people knows a little.

of Special medicine for a maniacal depression does not exist therefore the quality of the help and success of treatment almost entirely depends on tactics of administration of drugs, removal of symptoms and side effects from drugs.

The forecast for the patients having the periods when the syndrome is not shown in any way favorable. A disease it is possible to control, minimize manifestations of the sharpest symptoms of both phases, to maintain behavior and physical health of the patient at the satisfactory level. Some can even lead a life which it is possible to consider almost normal - to stay in relative harmony with itself and the world, to have family, work, a hobby, public duties and other.

It is a phase of the increased excitement, both motive, and psychological. The person can be aggressive, rough, talk, behave tensely, restlessly loudly, to take any actions in connection with a plot of the mania or hallucinations.

Treatment is appointed only by the qualified doctors and if you faced such heartrending experience as a maniacal depression, then you have to aim the main forces at finding the best of institutions available to you and experts.

The second official name - bipolar disorder. The disease, or a syndrome, is that in behavior and an objective condition of a human body two opposite phases - maniacal (affective) and depressive are observed.

What of phases it is worse, of course, it is impossible to tell: in each of them the person is extraordinary vulnerable, can do harm to himself and to people around, to cause a material loss, to become the reason of troubles and even accidents. During aggravation the patient is not able to be fully aware of consequences of the actions as its assessment is inadequate to reality.

Some of points as, for example, the severe stress or postnatal mental health problems, are considered not so much as the true reasons, how many the disease trigger.

Aggravation of a depressive phase gives deep decline of forces, painful weakness, manifestation of background diseases (neurologic, cardiological). A frequent symptom of a depressive phase the suppressed mood, thoughts of death, despair, suicide tendencies is considered, there are episodes of loss of memory and a stupor.

Phases alternate at a so-called correct current, but regular approach of only one of them, most often - depressive can be observed. Between phases can be or not an interval of the normal state, quiet days, remissions. In hard cases no enlightenment comes, the person is subject to sharp and deep differences from one stage in another.

It is natural that this disease affects not only physical and mental health of the patient, but also his private, family life, the social status, work. At constant observation at the doctor and the made diagnosis the patient can receive group for disabled.

Antipsychotic medicines, antidepressants, neuroleptics, anksiolitik are applied - to list all necessary there is no sense. All the same independently it is impossible to pick up for the instruction medicine and a dosage for the ordinary person, responsibility for result is too high, maintaining the experienced psychiatrist is required.

The organization of all this completely lays down on relatives, will be frequent even one assistant a little as leaving and cohabitation to the person having such disease is a wearisome, heavy work, is frequent without an opportunity to have a rest and distract. It is better to undertake treatment of the relative all family, then chances to help it to get out of a disease increase many times.

Patients with manic-depressive psychosis are not constantly in the world, but in many respects lose ability to normally work and make decisions, needs constant protection and guardianship of relatives.

The psychiatry carries this state to mental diseases which etiology is not absolutely clear. Differential diagnostics allows to allocate symptoms, adjacent diseases and to adjust a condition of the patient, however the true reasons still do not manage to be found out.

One of the main factors which help to stabilize the patient - conditions of his everyday life. The constant mode of rest and activity, drug intake observance, protection against provocative situations and stresses is required.

Strong agitation, irritability, a mania, fears, the panic attacks, concern, insomnia, sometimes hallucinations, nonsense will be symptoms of a maniacal depression in an affective phase.

Presumably, treat them a metabolic disorder, water-salt and amino-acid. That is, the modern medicine is inclined to see the chemical nature in a disease. At the same time on a disease there is a number of the control researches which are indirectly proving that stressful situations and difficult living conditions can cause it.

And it is so heavy to transfer single, these states, and their change, especially frequent very quickly exhausts internal reserves of soul and a body. Without the corresponding inspection, treatment and leaving of people gets to a vicious circle, not only suffering from symptoms, but also promptly losing forces.

Heavy patients, the enlightenment between phases at which does not come at all, need continuous treatment and supervision (often in the conditions of a hospital hospital) or if in addition to a syndrome there is other serious illness preventing to work, samoobsluzhivatsya and be socialized.

The following list of causes of illness will be a result of work of doctors in this direction:


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