Secrets: six reasons for which we work or we do not work

Five most valuable articles - on your mail. Every two weeks. With gifts. In the first letter - the free e-book "Loaded on Result".
We will tell, you serve as the legal assistant or his secretary because this position will help to come to legal college. Possibly, you do not like daily routine filling of forms and papers. Or you not delighted with clients which interests are represented by your firm, but continue to work in it as you want to become a lawyer once.
2. Purpose
2. Economic factors
3. Realization of own potential
For example, the child practises on a piano only not to disappoint parents. You do not change work because its prestigiousness raises your self-assessment. In all these cases motives are directly not connected with activity; this communication indirect.
Imagine the teenager who studies a game in chess for the sake of a badge. Chess really does not interest him, he just wants to receive an honourable badge. This guy has economic, or material, a motive. His age-mate likes to learn to play chess, and the young man will receive a badge too, but not it becomes the reason of its occupations. In this case motive - a game. Even if to assume that two teenagers are absolutely equal in all the rest, probability is high that the second will win a game of the first.
It is prepared according to the book "Loaded on Result".
The feeling of a game arises when you go about the own business just because it is pleasant to you.
It is possible to find a game element in the aspiration to lose weight, preparation of healthy food or search of new restaurants with the dietary menu. If it is possible to find the moments of a game and in work, then it is carried out with pleasure.
For example, the student of the university by inertia attends classes: he already chose a certain way and continues to move on it. The head of department holds the position not because she is interesting to it but because she will not think up a good reason for leaving in any way.
You are under pressure of economic factors when you are engaged in some business only for the sake of remuneration or to avoid punishment. Economic factors have an effect also outside work - on any kind of activity. Money not always main motive. There are situations where they work, and there are opposite.
Such type of indirect motivation arises if the person is pushed on activity by emotional tension, for example from disappointment, fault or shame before people around. These experiences are connected with our beliefs (that is with self-perception) and external factors (opinions of others).
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Usually people with pleasure study and adapt to new. Some companies give to employees of an opportunity for a game in a workplace. For example, Toyota encourages application on assembly lines of new tools and the fresh ideas.
You do the part just because did it yesterday.
You more likely will achieve something if a game is motive of your actions. A game forces to love the hobbies - from solving of crossword puzzles before mix of music.
Though inertia is destructive and counterproductive, it is surprisingly widespread in the organizations. The Zappos company found a witty way for such situations. Again accepted people within a month pass the program of preparation, and then the company offers everyone decided to leave monthly salary. Zappos is not interested in the experts who appeared in the company "just because so left".
From all indirect motives inertia - the least direct. In this case the motivation is so far from work that in general it is hard to say, than it is fed.
These motives are called "straight lines" as they more others are connected with work. For this reason they are capable to increase efficiency of human activity as much as possible. The corporate culture inducing people to work based on a game, the purpose and self-realization provides the highest and long-term efficiency of activity of the organization.
In a research which participants were more than 10 thousand employees, it was studied how the economic motive in behavior of the person is connected with the income of his family.
The third direct motive - aspiration of the person to realization of the potential. It arises when the person is anxious with secondary result (opposing it to direct result). You perform the work proceeding from confidence: once it will give you what you consider important.
At work the negative effect of emotional pressure is shown everywhere. For example, the young employee at communication with the head ("That the boss will think of me?") under freight of psychological tension falls into a stupor. Emotional tension strengthens alarm before public statements or blocks thoughts at the writer - the fear of public judgment forces down from active work.
It was supposed that from economic factors people with the lowest income are under the largest pressure. It turned out that the income of the person and economic motives of his behavior are not in direct dependence.
Work does not appear the prime cause any more.
The motive of the purpose is shown when you appropriate the main value to result of activity, but not the purpose. Work can be pleasant, and it can not be pleasant, but you appreciate effect of it.
It appears, there is a range of the reasons for which people in general do something. Three of them are the direct motives directly connected with human activity and managing directors of its efficiency. Three other motives - indirect. They are separated from the work and often hinder the achievement in it high rates.
We will address the book "Loaded on Result" to learn 6 reasons for which we work.
3. Inertia
For example, you became the nurse because you like to help patients. Or all life you study art because are convinced: it positively influences people. Brings not to all adherents of healthy nutrition pleasure to prepare or there are even healthy products, but they appreciate good health as result of such diet.
The organizations often rely on money as on the main driving factor of activity of personnel. However the motivation has much more difficult nature.