New on the website: 10 most favourite books by boys and little girls and also their parents

A rainbow in a package, toy ice cream, a color rain, wax and mirror pictures, geometrical hedgehogs, recipes of house clay and paints.
By means of this book you will be able to explain to the child of a fundamentals of genetics in color of eyes and the second law of Newton through the movement of a soccerball and boots, to tell about why the human bone is 5 times stronger than concrete.
But there is more to come. Kids are waited by a surprise - it is possible to play with the cut-out pictures. For example, to collect drawings from parts or to move with pads of animals. Any child will not resist such entertainment!
Books are the cornerstone of an interview of the journalist Dmitry Kostyukov with the famous astronauts and scientists and also pictures made of space by the space pilot Oleg Kotov.
At the book the mass of pluses - glossy pages, a big format, bright detailed illustrations, cards, schemes, time signs (a cover of ancient books), a game on stories for all family at the end.
Children who took this book in hand once do not leave it. It is such surprising that excites imagination both kids, and adults. Pictures in it as if live: appear, disappear, and it is necessary to look at pages through color filters. Here, as animals, birds, fishes, insects took refuge in the real forest, behind foliage and branches, in hollows of trees and holes, behind clouds and in water.
The first technical fairy tale by Martin Sodomki which appeared in Russia and very quickly became the best-seller.
This book is simply irreplaceable for those who are going to take examinations in objects of a natural-science profile. In it briefly all main subjects of physics, chemistry and biology are also figuratively presented. There are no long texts and tangled explanations. All book is constructed on the basis of drawings, schemes and charts. To refresh knowledge, it is necessary to look at a colourful turn only. Such way of supply of material is ideal for modern children who better perceive graphic information.
Under a cover the most different tasks are collected. In the course of study the child will learn to cut out pictures on lines of all forms - a straight line, zigzag, circular.
Boys and little girls after reading this book will begin to understand with ease that there in the car. And maybe, in the summer together with the father will build the car:)
When mothers for the first time take this book in hand, they joyfully shout "Hurrah!". The book - the real rescue for all who want to bring up the creative person. Under a cover - 70 master classes in drawing, a molding, a bumagoplastika and, of course, games.
There are so much ideas that will last for a long time. But the main thing - the author of the book Natalya Kostikova checked all master classes in practice together with the little son David. The boy was happy as however and all children, whose mothers bought this book.
Take the book with yourself on walks, look for interesting places and develop curiosity at the child.
At first sight on blank pages only the intertwining patterns and landscapes of red, blue and yellow color. But if to look at turns via color filters, then pictures will change and "come to life". And you will see the magic wood hidden from your eyes.
This nice and very useful notebook from the First steps series is loved by children worldwide, and in Russia it became the best-seller. It will teach the child to work with scissors and to cut out accurately from paper. Will help to develop spatial and creative thinking of the kid, small motility.
Heroes of the book communicate with readers, telling about the life. How did the world from primitive times to the 20th century change? What opening and inventions were created how civilizations arose and died, than there lived people during this or that era?
Pavlinoglazka, morph, ptitsekryl, голуб¤нка… Bright and imperceptible, big and small, dangerous and harmless, day and ночные… Each page acquaints with new winged beings. Reading the book, the child learns, than butterflies as they are born what their wings and many other things consist of eat.
Who hid there behind a bush who lives in a nest what is done by that bug? Kids have thousands of questions of the world around and thousands of secrets which they dream to open. Especially in the summer when the nature comes to life.
One more very bright summer book with windows and valves. It will tell about life above the ground, underground, under water and will open all natural secrets.
Really unusual and fascinating book about space and the Russian astronautics which is pleasant to all children. It is very originally issued: in it there are collages, drawings, photos and comics.
At this book other feature with which children will be delighted. It is history in comics.
This strong book-glyadelka is arranged in such a way that at first you see a usual landscape. And then, having unbent the big valve, you can consider everything that is underground and under water. On pages a set of windows-sekretikov behind which interesting details or animals hide.
At the heart of the book - the theory of multiple intelligence of Howard Gardner stated simply and clear especially for children. This theory proves that all people are clever by nature and at each of us certain sides of mind are developed. And it is unproductive to estimate intelligence according to standard tests.
Let's glance together under bright covers. But be careful: these books attract as a magnet. It is impossible to come off:)
This book, perhaps, the most valuable of what you can present to the teenage child. She will help to believe in the forces, will teach to accept herself it what you are, it is better to understand people around. And still will explain why IQ tests and the five at school - not always an indicator of brilliant mind.
The beautiful and informative book on the most summer subject. In it magic transformation when from an ordinary-looking doll beautiful creation - a butterfly appears is presented. Inside - the whole collection of surprising insects who blossom on pages of this book.
Reading it, the child learns how collect rockets as people mastered space as there is a missile launch. And still will see how the ISS looks from within and as at it there live astronauts.
Collected TOP-10 the best books for children and their parents. All of them are very popular among readers, many became best-sellers. Some books are read to tatters by parents, and others - are not let go by children. They play with them, sleep in an embrace and have fun.
Besides, this colourful encyclopedia about space - the owner of a set of book awards and it the real astronauts recommend for reading.
In this story it is told how friends assemble the car. And at the same time learn for what the main details and mechanisms - a pendant, the shock-absorber, coupling, the steering mechanism, the engine, the brake system, the cooling system and many other things are necessary. During reading children will examine detailed schemes and detailed illustrations which well and just the device of cars speaks.