Amusing : six possible reasons

Thorax pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, beginning from fractures of edges and finishing with lung cancer.
of the Injury of breast as a result of falling, accidents on transport and during sports activities are the most frequent reasons of pain in a thorax.
Treat the most frequent reasons of pain in a thorax:
Often thorax pain is not connected with any serious reasons and can pass in itself or at the minimum treatment. However, in some cases, it signals about the emergency situation demanding immediate intervention.
One of symptoms of lung cancer is thorax pain which amplifies at deep breath, cough and laughter. Short wind and the whistling breath belong to other symptoms of lung cancer cough with blood or a phlegm.
The pulmonary embolism arises at obstruction of a pulmonary artery blood clots which are most often formed in large veins of legs or a basin.
The pulmonary embolism leads to death in 30 and more percent of cases in the absence of necessary treatment. Fortunately, diagnosing of this disease at an early stage allows to avoid complications.
The pulmonary embolism is a serious disease which can damage easy and other bodies owing to a lack of oxygen of blood. At emergence of symptoms of a pulmonary embolism it is necessary to see a doctor urgently.
After the invention of antibiotics pleurisy began to meet less often. Even in case of its development, it is often shown in a soft form then passes in itself. Such manifestations of pleurisy usually last from several days to two weeks.
Symptoms of a pulmonary embolism:
Other inflammatory diseases of lungs, such as bronchitis, can also cause thorax pain.
It is possible to allocate the following types of injuries:
Costal chondrite or a syndrome to Tittsa is one more most frequent reason of pain in a thorax.
Costal chondrite represents an inflammatory disease of a cartilage in the field of fastening of the upper edges to a breast.
Pleurisy is an inflammation of a pleura of an outer sheath of lungs.
There is a set of the reasons of pain in a thorax which can be distinguished by means of the corresponding inspections.
Changes and cracks of edges can be revealed by means of X-ray, and damage of soft fabrics - by means of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other methods of diagnostics.
At severe pain or pressure in a thorax and also at breath difficulty, it is necessary to ask for medical care as these symptoms can indicate heart attack immediately.
Costal chondrite passes in some cases without treatment, and in others - demands medical intervention.
Thorax pain owing to costal chondrite can be both easy, and heavy. Symptoms of costal chondrite include also pain when pressing a breast zone.
Metastatic lung cancer which begins in one area and extends to lungs is a life-threatening disease which is also followed by thorax pains.
Thorax pain can be connected with various injuries or diseases. In case of appearance of inexplicable pain in a thorax it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Fibromialgiya is the defeat of extra articulate soft fabrics causing pains in many parts of a body. Fibromialgiya meets at 2 and more percent of the population, 9/10 of which - women.
The thorax pain connected with a fibromialgiya can be burning, pulsing, pricking or aching.
The pleura represents a double cover between lungs and walls of a thorax. In a healthy condition of a cover softly slide from each other. However at inflammation of a cover begin to rub the friend about the friend that causes severe pain.
The forecast at a disease of lung cancer is adverse in comparison with other forms of cancer. Lung cancer is one of the main reasons for death from cancer among men and women. Late stages of lung cancer very badly respond to treatment. Therefore it is important to diagnose this form of cancer at an early stage.