How to store dried fruits in house conditions is correct, at the request of chitaty

Many prefer to do dried fruit independently or to buy from the checked suppliers during the trips. Prunes, apples, dried apricots are especially loved. Therefore it is important to know how to store dried fruits in house conditions. They have to remain same useful, as well as during purchase even if the period of storage will be big.
Having estimated how to store dried fruits of the house it is simple, many begin to create large supplies. Natural products save money and strengthen a human body. Besides, it is always possible to indulge relatives with tasty and interesting dishes.
It is necessary to place a package or capacity of dried fruits far away from grain. Probability is high that wreckers who are quickly brought in cereals will move.
Prunes or dried apricots are recommended to be placed in the refrigerator in a cellophane package that provides maintaining their gentle structure. Together not to connect them, otherwise prunes will kill aroma of a dried apricot.
It is desirable not to store fruits of fruit of different types together. Extent of drying has to differ a little for the best tastes and preservation of vitamins. If to hold dried apricots together with apples, the last will become impregnated with moisture.
The choice of capacity or other means in it dried fruit fruits is very important for the room. Irrespective of how many they will be there, the following is important:
Dried apricots is allowed to be stored together with raisin. It is better to place them in a cotton or linen sack and to regularly check it. Air and moisture pass through fabric more actively that can stimulate development of an undesirable mold.
The useful product demands special conditions for the maintenance of the house. Before to send dried fruits for storage, it is necessary to check the level of their humidity. It has to be lower than 25%, prunes can have level slightly above.
Well are suitable for such purposes:
To trace a period of storage of fruits, on packing it is necessary to specify date of drying or time of placement in a case.
It is not recommended to use plastic and silicone bags because they can provoke emergence of moisture. It is necessary to choose capacities without excess bends, folds and other elements where development of larvae is more probable.
The period of storage in the refrigerator makes 3-4 months. It is for the rest permissible to use dried fruits which lay about one year.
If the indicator is higher, then for the term of 5-7 days it is necessary to leave a product on paper in the active sun. It is also possible to use placement of dried fruits on the battery or in an oven. It is important not to overdry them. Especially it concerns some dried apricots or prunes which quicker than the others lose moisture.
The few think of need to hide dried fruits from the direct sun and pottery plants. Those who know how it is correct to store dried fruits call such arguments:
That the nobility how to store dried fruits, it is necessary to be guided by such criteria:
To frighten off uninvited guests, fruits can provide natural protection. For this purpose costs:
Prunes and dried apricots are admissible to be left in the room where the humidity is 60-65%. This indicator is important in case dried fruits store not in a vacuum.