Joy of the solution of tasks Steve of a peacock, secrets

Vital problems exist not to do you harm. They arise to help you to grow.
"Devil take it! Well why I cannot find the girlfriend (friend)? I am a good person, the truth? I was tired to say that to me full idiots meet! Perhaps, I just should live alone. Well why it has to be so heavy? I was so tired to be one!"
Whether it happened to you to come sometime to the gym, to look at all these dumbbells at a wall and to exclaim: "Devil take it! Well why there are so much weights? I will never be able to lift all this! Look how all this is heavy! Well why don't they put several easy dumbbells? It would be perfect enough!"
"Devil take it! Why I cannot find work which would be pleasant to me? Why I should be engaged in stupid work which I hate, only to earn money? What life is? How to me in general to be engaged in what is pleasant to me if I do not even know what is it? I was so bothered by my work!"
Of course, it sounds silly, but quite so many people react to various problems which appear in their life.
"Devil take it! Well why I have to have an excess weight? Why I cannot just be slender and in good shape? Why there is so much tasty because of what I gain weight? Why it has to be so heavy to play sports? To me it is so bad because of my excess weight!"
Whether something sounds from this familiarly?
"Devil take it! Well why it has to be so difficult to earn money? How can I pay off with debts when I hardly pay bills? Why it looks as if every time how I begin to shoot ahead, my car breaks? I was so tired to be short of money!"