Inhabitants of Alaska will buy one thousand reindeers on Chukotka and in Yakutia, a novelty

The corporation of indigenous people of the settlement of Barrow in the State of Alaska will buy up to 1 thousand reindeers from regions of Russia that will allow to remove the industry which is in decline in the American Polar region and to increase a livestock of pets, YakutiaMedia news Agency with reference to TASS reports on February 10th.
according to Pogodayev, the representatives of indigenous people living in Barrow are concerned by decrease in number of wild reindeers who because of active industrial development in the region changed ways of migration. & #171; Meanwhile deer meat traditionally enters a diet of local population. Indigenous people conducted trade hunting on the Carib, but now it not so просто» - he explained, having added that experts & #171; Northern форума» left in Barrow for studying of conditions for cultivation of deer.
By 1950 on Alaska there were only 25 thousand deer. From 1970th years there is a gradual reduction of a livestock. Despite reduction of a livestock of deer, reindeer breeding of Alaska has great potential opportunities, for this purpose it is necessary to provide the industry with the corresponding infrastructure, Pogodayev summarized.
As Pogodayev noted, the local population is ready to work in the industry, there is a good food supply. & #171; It is important that the youth is interested and is ready to study. The Lappish reindeer breeders from Norway and also reindeer breeders from Russian регионов» are ready to teach reindeer breeding bases; - he noted.
The northern forum is the important instrument of strengthening and expansion of non-political dialogue between governors of the Arctic and northern regions of the different countries, heads of municipalities and organizations.
Implementation of the project is a positive example of cooperation of Russia and the USA concerning indigenous people, he. added & #171; Our organization undertakes the solution of the administrative matters connected with interaction with border and customs services of two стран» - he noted. Besides, the main partners in this project will become Association & #171; Reindeer breeders мира» and the International center of reindeer breeding, Pogodayev noted.
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Reindeer breeding on Alaska is not the traditional industry, deer were delivered at the end of the 19th century, the interlocutor of the agency explained. By 1932 the official number of deer on Alaska reached 641 thousand heads. However since 1933 rapid growth of a livestock was replaced by its same sharp reduction which reason the overload of pastures and transition to a free pasture of animals is considered.
The largest international non-governmental organization uniting governors of northern regions is the Northern forum which also has the status of the observer at the Arctic Council and has consultative state of EKOSOS of the UN.
The Northern forum includes regions of the Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Magadan region, Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka Krai) and also Iceland (city of Akureyri), the USA (State of Alaska), South Korea (Province of Kangvon) and Finland (Lapland). Till 2013 the secretariat of the Northern forum was located in Anchorage (the USA, the State of Alaska), now is in Yakutsk.
& #171; The Corporation of indigenous people from the most northern settlement of Alaska - Barrow - addressed us with the project about revival of house reindeer breeding in the region. It is about purchase from 500 to 1000 heads of reindeers from Chukotka and Yakutia. Everything depends on the business plan of the project which is now studied. Reindeer breeding, though is not a traditional type of activity of indigenous people of the state (reindeers were for the first time delivered to Alaska in 1891 - a comment red), but has big prospects as there are all prerequisites for development отрасли» - the executive director of the secretariat of the international organization & #171 told; Northern форум» Mikhail Pogodayev.