Influence of a sound, secrets

As I already wrote & #8212; the human health is affected by many factors. It and air which we breathe, and water which we drink, and food which we eat.
Carrying out this exercise & #8212; inhale and exhale air a nose, having closed a mouth, and then try to inhale a nose, and to exhale through a half-open mouth.
Exercise: proguzhivaniye of fingers.
The sound which we perceive our organ of hearing - ears is very important for us. The most important for us the sound is a sound of our voice.
Well, and how? It was pleasant? It looks from outside quite silly, but it is amusing.
If you want to treat some body - for example, a knee, lay down conveniently and to a proguzhivayta its any sound (not only AAAA, in our alphabet is a lot more letters), at the same time send the precious attention to proguzhivayemy body.
I offer one more simple exercise with use of a sound.
This exercise will bring big benefit:
By means of this equipment it is possible to solve some problems. For example, translate the state into unintelligible language and dump - to Earth, on fire, on the current water, on wind (i.e. on live elements).
And what occurs at massage?
Be trained so several day: inhale and exhale air with a sound, it is good if you sing through this sound.
Remarkable feelings!
Present - you talk to the interlocutor who settled down opposite to you. Or put before yourself the real interlocutor.
- thyroid gland & #8212; in this case on a breath you concentrate on it & #8212; kind of inhale and exhale through it.
When performing a breath with a sound - you perform light and gentle massage to your vocal chords, a thyroid gland.
Precisely! Blood supply of the massed part of the body as delivery to bodies of nutrients and oxygen many times increases improves!
How to do: it is necessary to clasp with a palm of a hand a finger, at the same time the finger slightly does not reach edge, is as though in a tubule. Here in this tubule it is necessary on an exhalation air with a sound to blow, and on a breath to soak up, also with a sound.
And if to look at it from the esoteric point of view, then during the work with the throat chakra responsible for communication with other people, you improve its supply with energy. Thus, this exercise will help you to adjust communication with other people.
Ideally, the speech has to flow freely. It is necessary to seek to use as much as possible sounds of the native speech. To train at least within two minutes.
How to make it? Say the most different sounds what will only come to mind, with expression, actively using a mimicry.
If you do not manage gibberish in any way if in a conversation you use only three - four sounds, it is an indicator of existence of blocks in your body or consciousness.
If to carry out on the favourite little man (the child, the wife or the husband), then to hoot & #8212; to blow all fingers, on hands and standing.
Tell it about the problems, but not in Russian, and in unintelligible language.
- to a throat and vocal chords;
How, it turns out? Is not present? Instead of a sound some vulture on a breath is published?
Well, it is not necessary to be frightened - only first so occurs. Over time, having trained, at you the sound on a breath almost same beautiful, as well as on an exhalation will turn out.
Do you notice that usually sounds are made by us on an exhalation? Try to gather a full breast of air and exhale with a sound.
It will turn out easier if in unintelligible language to unite the speech with a rhythm of verses or music.
And now try to make on the contrary & #8212; to make a sound for example, AAAAAA, on a breath.
As a result you receive a bonus in the form of health.