Power over big data, updating

Secrets of leaders of retail. As retailers apply technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning to successful development of network. Evolution from GIS to predictive BDM (Business development management) to control systems of development.
In such situation many heads think with what services it is worth supplementing the expert methods acquired for years what technologies will allow to achieve results and what will only complicate work and will become unjustified investment or useless analytical "toy"? Whether it is worth introducing in general at itself such service or to continue to use exclusively human opportunities and own business intuition?
For us one of critical questions - the correct assessment of traffic and accounting of a competitive environment. We do all this in a system: we see & #171; national тропы» pedestrian and auto-traffic, force of influence of competitors.
After loading of data the BST Organica system within several seconds gives assessment of a potential location, and it allows to eliminate already at a preliminary stage platforms, improper under opening of shop.
Ivan Ivanov, the Expert and the CEO of the BST Digital company, after the termination of the mekhmat of MSU started a career the business analyst, then directed consulting projects according to the business development strategy, carried out introduction of changes in management, the last 2 years together with partners is engaged in development and deployment of systems of artificial intelligence for the solution of business challenges in retail, horeca, banks.
In cooperation with the team of developers who well understand our business needs we constantly improve a system, she learns to predict revenue to within side of the house through each 20 meters, for small objects - it is important, will be mistaken and will get up on the party, remote from traffic, will not receive planned revenue. Plans for development of additional functionality of a system, of course, are - but it is our secret, possibilities of such system - serious competitive advantage!
Association of an ekspertnost of managers and force of artificial intelligence was the purpose of introduction. Now we united all in one system with the general methods, approaches, standards, the Team works in a uniform information field and relies on uniform criteria. We introduced the best practices in the heads of razvitolog in the general & #171; мозг» in the same place sales and factors of opening of new shops, the general knowledge base is formed. Beginners study quicker, getting experience of the senior colleagues from a system.
We use functionality which allows, opening the new region, to see a picture in general, the system instantly estimates all shopping centers and buildings at the cities in a scoring format, forms the list of priority areas. In areas the first in expected revenue locations are allocated, the address program is automatically formed.
1. Whether you use predictive control systems of opening and how to it came? 2. If yes, what changed after introduction? 3. What do you expect in the future from similar systems?
During testing of BST Organica we compared the expert forecast and the forecast of the robot to be convinced of correct work of a system.
We interviewed several companies which agreed to give comments, and asked them three questions:
Successful opening in the right place is a team work in which are involved department of marketing, development department, investment committee. Now for acceptance of the right decision at us is & #171; arbitration судь¤» in the form of the robot who considers the forecast, and the general automated platform which all participants of process use.
The system strongly entered our life at assessment of objects. Further we plan to use it for search of priority places for opening, automation of formation of the address program and management of its realization, the competition for the best places becomes stronger and concentration of efforts of managers on development on priority locations is critical for successful development.
Increase in speed of decision-making and accuracy of forecasts became one of results of introduction. The system is built in decision-making process on planning of network. She allows to estimate how many and where it is necessary to open new outlets that our goal were achieved of development.
The BST Organica system was implemented in & #171; To the Alphabet Vkusa» more than a year ago for the purpose of assessment of potential locations for opening of new outlets of network.
The large companies introduce the most advanced tools and use them not one year.
Advantage and at the same time pain was the fact that in each region the development manager is an expert with the methods and approaches.
By means of the robot we receive transparent and quality standard of objects and as managers we can focus on strategic priorities, but not get into a groove. But it is not a limit. We see further increase in accuracy of the forecast of revenue for the account to - training of model and continuation of cooperation of human and artificial intelligence. It as competition of chess players to the computer. At first we train the robot at human examination, and then he considerably surpasses it.
Further development of a system is functional - introduction of the module of the forecast of revenue to categories of the range in new shops in advance precisely to define an assortment matrix and a planogramma.
Questions, the exact answer to which is a guarantee of progress of retail chain stores, irrespective of its size and positioning, & #8212; in what region, how many points in what specifically the room to open how to learn about the best place before the competitor and to be ahead of him? The artificial intelligence leaning on & #171; big данные» & #8212; just also helps to make the correct decisions. But how it is the most successful to apply such technology?
The system works for all levels: the local development manager - team of the region - management company, also allows to confirm objects regardless of the location, in one click that significantly reduces time expenditure on search and the statement of each shop.
Now we see relevant announcements of rent, we take them in hand, it allows to allocate focal objects and to concentrate on them team resources. The system allows to carry out scenario planning, that is as revenue will change if external conditions change: there will be a competitor or the new shopping center or the residential district will be constructed.
One of the main messages of introduction in the company of a control system of development with use of technologies and artificial intelligence & #8212; acceleration of development of the company, purpose & #8212; till 2023 to open 1500 shops in a strita and shopping center in regions of development. It is necessary for us without increase in administrative resources qualitatively and to quickly estimate the capacity of the current and new regions and as much as possible to reach it successful opening.
Website: bst.digitaltelefon: +7 (495) 646-86-58e-mail: ivanov@bst-mc.com
We & #8212; federal network with broad regional presence, we need system approach to development and one, the general for all, the instrument of management, the automated business process of the choice of the region/area, search and decision-making on an object.
The choice of a location for our network is directly connected with concentration of target audience (first of all - on income level), influence of effect of cannibalization and & #171; плотности» competitors.
We use the information system Organica more than 3 years, some of the first in the market came to understanding of need of automation of development since rates of opening high and taking into account that the company develops multiformatno. At such loading to attract technologies with use of artificial intelligence was the right decision.
Chose from all GIS-systems available for today. Chose a system which not just is & #171; calculator выручки» the forecast button on average data and a set of multilayered cartography.
Use of a system allowed to increase considerably the speed of decision-making and accuracy of the forecast. Chain: - the searcher via the smartphone enters information - the head forms the decision on an object - the committee makes the decision on an object - works much quicker, more effectively and at one platform. In standard cases when an object meets the set conditions, the minimum time for its consideration is spent.
The system allows to choose and make the decision on opening in the most interesting and attractive places - we see the map of the city with a coloring of areas on revenue potential, directing the cursor at the building - we see what revenue can be if to open drugstore in this house, the best places are highlighted with color, in them there is a search of rooms.
For the last few years services according to the forecast of commodity turnover on the basis of machine learning appear as mushrooms after a rain. Their range is wide - developers of traditional GIS-systems, following modern trends, build in function of the forecast the interfaces, startups provide services in the form of the button & #171; to calculate прогноз» in a private office of the analyst, the largest companies are independently developed and introduce powerful tools, investing in them considerable means and time, inventing everyone & #171; the велосипед».
Chose so-called BDM (business development management) & #8212; a control system of development of BST Organica which allows to structure & #171; rules игры» to work in a common information space, to unite team in achievement of the goals. And developers are the children with good business experience in retail understanding ours & #171; боли».
Source: http://photo-rai.ru