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According to a legend, the source in which water was considered as curative was in the place of a modern complex earlier. Founder Norbulinki & #8212; Dalai Lama of VII differing in poor health visited this place to restore the health, having bathed in a source, and later disposed to put near it the palace.
One of the most popular sights of the region is the Norbulinka complex which was the summer residence of Dalai Lama. In translation into Russian the name of a complex means "the precious park". Construction of the complex consisting of the palace and the magnificent park was begun in 1754 at Dalai Lama of VII.
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During the invasion into Tibet of troops of the People's Republic of China which took place in 1959, the complex strongly suffered and ceased to function. It was succeeded to restore a historical and architectural monument only in 2003. After reconstruction Norbulinka was turned into the museum which was taken under protection of UNESCO.
Separately it is worth emphasizing that Nurbulinka at the moment is considered the most high-located and big park in the world created by hands of the person. The territory of the park is divided into 3 parts: prepalace, palace and forest-park.
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In the territory of a complex there is a zoo in which various exotic animals presented to Dalai Lama as a gift are brought together. Besides, in the park the set of unique plants which were brought to Tibet from various corners of the Globe grows.
In total in the territory of a complex about 400 various objects are constructed. In the park various events are periodically held. In particular, during Hodoin's celebration (a festival of sour milk) in the park show the dramatized representations.
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Today the palace complex in which over 30 thousand artifacts and cultural monuments are stored occupies the territory of 3600 thousand sq.m. In spite of the fact that Dalai Lama did not appear in Norbulinka since 1959, show to the tourists visiting a complex its office, the bedroom and other rooms where the Supreme head of Tibet spent the time.
As the tourists who visited an excursion in Nurbulinka note, the park represents the wonderful place for commission of walks during which the person plunges into a reverential condition of contemplation.
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Source: http://photo-rai.ru