Popular : of Ice Age up to now once mammoths lived here

Yugra, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug & #8212; edge of original culture and drama history. Its sources go to immemorial antiquity when the North of Western Siberia was covered with a powerful ice board.
in the Millennia also beliefs of Khanty and Mansi developed. They represent alloy of myths, rituals, magics, a totemizm, Shamanism and various cults connected with hunting and fishery. Numerous deities and ancestral spirits, family and patrimonial shrines, spirits owners of the rivers, groves, the woods, stones, trees, animals, fishes, etc. were added to ancient images of Materi-Zemli and Ottsa-Neba. The predominating position was taken by heavenly god Torum (Noomi-Torum) whose name means "sky", "Universe" "weather"; it is called also "light", "gold" and "great".
In VII & #8212; The V millennium BC in Northwest Siberia the population began to grow up cereals, to breed pets and to lead a settled life. There was a ceramics, there were local traditions of metal working.
Inhabitants of a taiga in perfection adapted the tenor of life for severe conditions of edge. Already in the Stone Age there was a system of complex trade economy combining hunting and rybolovchesky occupations. Many ways and methods of hunting of that time lived up to now.
Approximately then strongly boggy taiga took close to modern a form. There was also a system of the rivers and lakes abounding with fish and a natatorial game. The main river of the region Ob together with its left inflow by Irtysh 5410 km long & #8212; the most extended in Russia.
Far ancestors of present ugr began to inhabit this territory together with other ancient tribes approximately in the VII-VI millennia BC. Assume that they came from the ancestral home which was probably in Northeast Europe between Middle Volga and the Urals here.
Over time the power of Moscow weakened. The Siberian khan Kuchum used it, having refused to fulfill vassal duties. In the spring of 1582 Stroganova's merchants called for protection of the Volga Cossacks led by Yermak Timofeev who beat Kuchum. Yermak's era laid the foundation of the Russian colonization of Siberia. Small fortresses with groups of Cossacks and sluzhily people were built. Over time they grew up to the cities of Tyumen, Tobolsk, Berezov, Surgut, to Mangazey, etc.
In the Russian chronicles "Yugra" it is for the first time mentioned in the 11th century. Since then this word was fixed as an ethnic name of the Ob ugr and as the name of the earth inhabited by them. Yugoriya or Yugra name Khanty also Mansiysky autonomous area. The Novgorod ushkuynik in the 12th century laid a way for "Stone" (Ural Ridge) to the Yugra earth for fur trade and barter. The Yugra tribes called from 16-17th centuries of an ostyakama and Voguls were brought to an oath-sherti, and the Moscow tsars filled up the title with a rank "Yugra".
In the mid-sixties life of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug sharply changed: in the territory of Central Priobye huge reserves of oil and gas were found. Now Yugra wins first place in Russia on oil production. In a year about 280 million tons, i.e. 60% of Russian "black gold" are extracted here. The edge of settlements and settlements quickly turned into the district of the industrial cities. The largest cities & #8212 grew; Surgut (318 800 people), Nizhnevartovsk (260 800 people), Nefteyugansk (124 000 people).
After the October revolution of 1917 in Western Siberia long and difficult there took place the Sovietization of edge accompanied with replacement of indigenous people from the made habitable places and mass repressions. In 1930 the Ostyako-Vogulsky national district in 1940 renamed into the Khanty-Mansi national district was formed. In 2003 he received the present name Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.
As one more measure of colonization served the reference. Since the beginning of development of Siberia banished all objectionable to the political system of people here: notable grandees, for example, A.D. Menshikov and A.G. Dolgorukiy, Decembrists, peasants and also criminal and political offenders.
The 80-meter height & #8212 reminds of this period; Samarovsky ostanets at whose foot the city of Khanty-Mansiysk is located. Naked sites of a slope of the radical coast of the Irtysh River tell about interesting geological story of formation of ostanets and about presence of a glacier in this territory about 250 thousand years of our era.
The river named the Ob ugra, ancestors of the modern people of Khanty and Mansi. They remained to live in the taiga while steppe Ugra, Hungarians, left on the West. But they kept relationship of languages, belonging to the Ural language family. The appearance of Khanty and Mansi keeps lines of ancient mysterious Ural race in which Caucasian and Mongoloid lines are combined.
In 5 km from the village of Samarova where the most part of indigenous people lived, at confluence of Irtysh and Ob, in 1931 began to build the new town of Ostyako-Vogulsk renamed in 1940 into Khanty-Mansiysk, the administrative center of edge.
Then mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, bisons, cave lions, reindeers and other large mammals lived here. The floodplain of the Ob Rivers and Irtysh is considered one of the main areas of dwelling of mammoths. At this time, about 15 & #8212; 13 thousand years ago, people already lived in the central part of Western Siberia.
https://ugra-news.ru/article/16122016/41374 source
Source: http://photo-rai.ru