of the Sight of the city of the western Ukraine new on the website

The exposition includes the interiors characteristic of southwest Ukraine and its inhabitants. The situation of Ruska Besida association and editorial office of the periodical "Bukovina" transfers the visitor on more than hundred years ago to the original atmosphere of the house of the Ukrainian intellectual.
Also the building built by the architect Hebrt Gesser and representing a sample of the Vienna modernist style, and the collections collected in it is remarkable. Here the icons written in original Bukovina style, pictures of local artists, applied art are presented.
Some time it was the residence of local metropolitans. For construction in suburbs pits were dug, it is constructed several plants making ceramics and a brick. The most strict control and the thorough relation to construction of the building it was guarantee of excellent condition in which there is it to this day.
The building of Art museum has a large number of decorative elements:
The characteristic style of the Austrian secession is harmoniously combined with Renaissance elements. The portal with columns is decorated by sculptural group - Ancient Greek god of art Apollo in an environment of heroes of works of antique playwrights. The interior which was magnificently trimmed with gold and a carving blows the mind of the viewer. Before an entrance there is a statue to Olga Kobylyanskaya in honor of whom the theater is called.
Mixture of different traditions, historical experience of many people fills Chernivtsi with an inexpressible charm. On city streets peacefully and harmoniously the Armenian church and a synagogue, buildings in Gothic style and baroque theater adjoin. At the answer to a question of why it is necessary to visit Chernivtsi and what to look at, difficult at once to orient and be defined, it is a lot of architecture masterpieces here. However any local will call those cultural objects which need to be seen.
Today the city council sits at the building. And on a tower, under hours, the observation deck is located. Daily, at noon, the trumpeter in a national suit of Bukovina plays the well-known melody - Marichka.
Two bell towers decorate the building. Magnificent acoustics allows it to be also the hall of philharmonic hall where concerts of classical music are regularly held.
This city of southwest Ukraine bordering on Romania, located on the river bank Prut is, as well as Lviv, the cultural center of all Bukovina. It is surprising by the ensemble which appeared in the 17-18th centuries thanks to the Austrian architects.
Chernivtsi has the richest history. Once they were a part of Austria-Hungary, Poland, the Ottoman Empire, Romania and Moldova. Today more and more tourists go to this amazing city to enjoy its sights, soft continental climate and original culture.
Chernivtsi University is a hallmark of the city, and he is obliged by the fantastic look to mixture of styles - romano-Byzantine and Gothic, the elements characteristic of Renaissance, Mauritian, Judaic and specifically Bukovina architecture. The tile roof is decorated with national bright patterns.
A dominant of this building is the monumental dome created in style of classicism. Before an entrance - a statue of the first Chernivtsi lord - the metropolitan Evgen Gakman.
The question of what to look in Chernivtsi at undoubtedly, will nonplus nobody. Here a huge number of the museums, including, both the literary, and original, and well remained temples, parks, monuments. The city to which there come more and more tourists every year has fine infrastructure. Comfortable hotels, cozy cafes and author's restaurants, cheerful modern clubs - all this does Chernivtsi by the center of the European level which is interesting not only to the Russian and Ukrainian travelers.
Located on Theatre Square and constructed more than a century ago, it is the work of the well-known Austrian firm of Felner and Gelmer. Its forces in Europe constructed 43 theaters which also the Odessa opera is among.
The Nikolaev cathedral constructed in the thirties the last century has the unique twisted form of drums of domes, for as received such name in the people. It was created in years when Chernivtsi was the Romanian city therefore the building is built in original style of this country. The miracle kept an interior of cathedral - a carved iconostasis, an image, a floor, the arches, late mosaics.
The architectural composition consists of three cases. One of them is a church with unique paintings in style of classicism, in it the iconostasis of the 19th century remained. Behind a graceful fencing the arboretum with shady avenues for walks and rare plants is located.
It is located in the building where the famous Ukrainian writer and the editor of Bukovina spent the last years of the life. The museum is unique not only the fact that here personal belongings, autographs, books and manuscripts of the writer are kept.
Also the church of the Honest Cross which demonstrates peaceful co-existence side by side of temples of different religions is of interest. The turret was the observation post of local fire team.
The Nikolaev church in 1607 is founded. Its history is filled with legends. So, there is an assumption that here the hetman Sagaydychny, Mazepa prayed, read the burial service over the son Bogdan Khmelnytsky after the victory of troops of Pyotr great in the Poltava fight.
The most ancient of all which remained since the Moldavian-Turkish period. She settles down on one of the outskirts, treats "hatny" type. In those days the churches similar more likely to log huts were under construction. These are single-level timbered buildings, with a roof which slopes are covered with shingle. There are no domes, and that it is the temple, remind three shod crosses.
It is difficult to refer this building standing in an alignment of two streets to any architectural style. It is really similar to the majestic vessel, has the wide platform reminding the deck and a graceful turret. The facade is decorated with the head of a lion, sculptures of dolphins and griffins.
The church called in honor of the Holy Spirit is the main Orthodox church of Chernivtsi. It was created on one of original projects of construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.
Chernivtsi which sights numerous are also various is decorated also by a city town hall. It is constructed in style of the Italian late classicism with elements of influence of art of the Renaissance.
Personal belongings, books and draft copies of the largest Ukrainian writer can be considered attentively in the house of the end of XIX - the beginnings of the XX century.
It is unique the fact that the project was created by the architect who was engaged in the residence of the Bukovina metropolitans. The great church combines lines of a classical Armenian hramostroyeniye, the Byzantine and Romance architecture.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru