New heading: moving on a permanent residence in vityazevo in 2018

Among available means of transport mentions deserve:
Compare to salaries in Krasnodar Krai in general.
If to consider transport availability, then Vityazevo is represented to some of the most favorable options in the territory of the Anapa district. The transport system is presented by several of its types at once that allows to simplify movement between the settlement and the regional center.
In comparison with Anapa, Vityazevo has the following advantages:
The settlement of Vityazevo is located in the Anapa district and is considered as option for full-time residence by those travelers whom for any reasons residence in Anapa does not suit. Settlement infrastructure, its building and appearance significantly differ depending on the concrete area.
At the same time in it there are no residential quarters in which accommodation has constant character. Besides, various shops in wide assortment are located here.
Many travelers planning moving consider the Black Sea coast as one of the most optimal and attractive variants. Moving on a permanent residence to Vityazevo allows the tourist to enjoy softer, in comparison with other regions of Russia, climatic conditions and also improbable beauty of the nature.
It is expedient to rank all buildings as middle-income, however there are also started constructions located on the remote sites.
The special attention is deserved by the Vityazevo beach & #8212; object, most popular with tourists.
The situation with the similar sphere of construction is much better here, than with multystoried buildings and the buyer has a choice - to get the house on the outskirts in the special settlement or to give preference to the house in already created area.
If similar difficulties do not frighten the traveler, he can move without any problem on a permanent residence to this coastal settlement, having got or renting the house in one of its areas.
The average salary in Vityazevo on different specialties:
If the person who moved to a permanent residence to Vityazevo has no opportunity to get own housing, then in that case it should be rented.
The Region of Paralii where the amusement park is located, looks round tourists more often than others. However all buildings which are in its limits, & #8212; rather recent constructions which were built, since 2000. At the moment the area from Yuzhny Avenue to the sea & #8212; the most developed in respect of infrastructure. In it are located:
So, cases when owners of apartments in similar complexes are left without the corresponding infrastructure, in the form of the gas pipeline, electricity, hot water supply are frequent. To avoid similar problems, it is expedient to get ready objects with the fully completed status of construction.
Rent of the one-room apartment will cost approximately 10 000 - 15 000 rubles a month depending on repair and the region of its arrangement. The minimum cost of rent of the two-room apartment is equal 12 000 rubles a month, but, unfortunately, similar budgetary options meet extremely seldom. The average price of rent of the two-room apartment fluctuates from 15 000 to 18 000 rubles a month.
As it was told earlier, new areas almost do not contain the residential buildings suitable for full-time residence. In most cases here guest houses of various level of comfort are located.
In most cases, similar constructions are built illegally that is fraught for owners of apartments with certain problems. Nevertheless, situations when illegal ZhK nevertheless were put in operation according to the judgment are frequent. Similar practice significantly reduced housing cost, however assumes certain risks for his buyer.
The popularity of this direction at tourists constantly grows that is explained by rapid development of resort infrastructure and also growth of an entertaining segment of local business. The entertainment program suits not only adults, but also children that does this direction optimum for family holiday.
For moving to Krasnodar Krai it is possible to consider also other options. For example, Sochi, Tuapse, Krasnodar, Belorechensk, Apsheronsk, etc. Everyone will find that place which will be to it to liking.
The cost of apartments in Vityazevo:
With these areas there is a lot of also the guest objects which are actively used during approach of a high season.
Old Vityazevo includes Mira Street, Red Army and also Steppe. At the same time the old area includes the Sandy farm which turned from the certain settlement into a part of the settlement over time. Specifics of this area is existence of constructions in which locals live constantly.
Its width can reach 200 meters, and water gains depth smoothly that does rest suitable for children here. At the same time, despite abundance of seasonal cafes and other objects, the beach is not equipped with shower cabins and toilets that does rest by much less comfortable.
As Vityazevo has the status of the settlement, the majority coming here on a permanent residence of tourists considers the possibility of acquisition of a cottage or a country house.
Vityazevo - the resort village therefore during a season food prices rise a little. The same concerns the prices in cafe and restaurants. The lunch on 1 person in cafe will cost from 250 rubles, and the average account is equal in restaurant to 700 rubles.
However there is also a number of parameters in which Vityazevo significantly concedes to Anapa. First of all, it is the infrastructure level and also quality of fast food restaurants.
In Vityazevo is as expensive real estate, as well as housing of the budgetary option. Cost directly depends on the area and type of a house. The minimum cost of 1 sq.m. is equal in apartment houses 35 000 rubles, and it is possible to buy 1 hundred part of the earth in garden associations from 30 000 rubles. Townhouses and private houses cost from 3 500 000 rubles.
Before deciding on desire constantly to live in Vityazevo, the attention to the shortcomings of the similar decision connected with infrastructure and other features of the settlement is extremely important to direct. First of all, it is necessary to mention:
The general share of multystoried buildings in the territory of the settlement is extremely small and makes about 1-2%. The most part of housing stock represents private buildings to which it is necessary to refer guest constructions. Despite it, in recent years in Vityazevo the construction boom is observed, and builders quite often build apartment housing complexes.
The review of housing prices in Vityazevo & #8212; on video
Specifics of the settlement is the seasonality of accommodation, especially in new areas. During the high season there it is extremely crowded, on roads jams are observed, and the majority of institutions works in the standard mode. At the onset of cold weather vacationers part, people becomes less, and highways become empty.
Let's walk on the market in Vityazevo and we will look at the prices.
Vityazevo - the small village well-known for the neighbourhood with Anapa and an exit to the Black Sea. Unfortunately, in this village with full-time employment of a problem even at locals. All the matter is that Vityazevo is considered the resort place therefore there is only a need for labor in the summer. Generally people for seasonal work which is connected with services industry of the coming tourists are required. Many locals work in Anapa (in 11 kilometers from Vityazevo) as it is almost impossible to find work with worthy payment in this village.
Cost of food:
Besides, objects of social, but not tourist value exactly here are located:
Other new area received the name thanks to the dining room of "Tea" located in its territory. It is less convenient in comparison with Paraliya that is connected with his location and smaller quantity of useful objects. The most distant street from the coast & #8212; Major Vityazya St. The road to the sea from it will take over 30 minutes that is suitable for the tourists interested in beach vacation a little.
In spite of the fact that Vityazevo - the small village, has enough entertainments here. It is possible to visit local aquapark for 1 000 rubles from the person, and the ticket in a dolphinarium costs from 700 rubles. The entrance ticket for a disco fluctuates ranging from 300 up to 700 rubles. Driving on an attraction will cost 150 - 200 rubles, and flight on a paraplane from 2 000 rubles.
As it & #8212; to live by the sea? You watch the answer to video
The station station is also located on impressive removal from the settlement that allows to avoid constant noise. At the same time trains go along all popular routes. Motor transport is presented by buses and minibuses. The interval of their movement fluctuates from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on a season.
One of the main advantages of life in Vityazevo & #8212; proximity to the airport. It does not influence comfort level at accommodation as planes sit down at impressive distance and do not create a lot of noise.
Before deciding on moving on the permanent residence to Vityazevo, it is extremely important to study specifics of local infrastructure and building. Comfort level directly depends on similar parameters at accommodation.