Healthy sleep or sick wakefulness, the most readable

How to organize to itself a healthy sleep and to wake up he is full of strength also energy? How to learn to get enough sleep? On all questions you will find the answer in this article!
If all of you still doubt about advantage of a healthy sleep, then remember the moments when you went to bed late and got up early.
Having turned on the gentle, quiet music and having done a number of simple exercises, you will fall asleep as if the baby.
And here if you go to bed at different times, the organism will be in constant ignorance.
Switch off the TV and the computer, air the room and turn on the gentle weakening music!
Otherwise the bad and leaden sleep is provided to you. Having filled before going to bed a stomach, your organism will think only of how to digest all this "wealth", but not how to restore forces per day future.
So, for a start you should know that our organism is the is best of all it is updated and restored in an interval from 11 o'clock in the evening, up to 4 o'clock in the morning.
Even without having slept, you will feel much better, than the person sleeping with 2 to 10.
As happens?
Therefore, he will simply not be able to restore all the functions.
The darkness is not less important for a good dream.
Having spread a bed, we watch still the cheerful movie, the comedy show or something else.
Biological clock of the person
Not without reason many vertebrolog are advised to sleep on a floor or on very rigid surface.
Know that it is extremely necessary to lay down at the same time for our organism.
Easy jog or the weakening yoga can be excellent help for a healthy sleep.
Remember the most important rule - never gorge on before going to bed.
Perhaps, for someone this rule will seem ridiculous, but to have fun wait a moment!
In the cool, aired room it is always filled up better, than in a heat.
So it developed that each person carries out a third of the life to beds blindly.
Do you need it?
If you are ready to spend it for the sake of health, beauty and the new ideas, then went!
Soft and down feather-beds interfere with a qualitative dream.
The numb neck, backbone pains and even osteochondrosis can become a dream result on one side.
For this reason at this time you have to sleep.
Even if you sleep 6 or 7 hours a day, sleep from 23 to 5-6 in the morning.
On a soft mattress the body of the person is in absolutely uncomfortable position, muscles begin to become numb, and in the morning strongly to be ill.
For this reason be adjusted on a dream in advance.
And beautiful Beyonce in general says that the dream is the best means in a cosmetics bag of any woman.
As a result you receive only bags under eyes and early development of "goose pads" in corners of eyes.
To you after all not five years to be afraid of a babayka.
But having got enough sleep and having gained strength, you began to remind the such hare-enerdzhayzera generating +100500 ideas for business in millisecond.
The correct and healthy sleep is the key to great physical and sincere human health.
Many experts advise to sleep mainly in one pose.
For certain you felt broken, thoughts did not want to climb in the head and you thought only of when there comes long-awaited evening.
How to learn to get up early?
For this reason it is so necessary to care for quality of the dream.
A healthy sleep - it urgent need is absolute for each inhabitant of our huge planet.
Gathering in a bed, begin to be adjusted on a healthy sleep in advance.
Finally there is a wish to talk about poses during sleep Е
In the hot stuffy room the organism will lack fresh air, and it will not be able fully to be restored.
Really you liked a similar state?
And now it is time to pass to the main subject of our article - to a question of a healthy sleep.
At a dream the melatonin necessary for restoration of an organism is in the dark produced hormone.
As a result turning off the light and closing eyes, we begin to scroll what was seen, and we cannot fall asleep at least half an hour more.
It is not recommended to sleep at a night lamp also!
At withdrawal for sleeping at the same time the organism knows when and how many he should have a rest, and it manages to be restored in time allowed for this purpose.
Therefore you sleep as you consider convenient and turn over exactly so many time how many demands your organism.
However before beginning, you should know that you still should develop at yourself a habit to the correct dream, & #8212; and it takes a lot of time.
However I categorically do not agree with it.
Absolutely rigid mattresses, of course, do not need to be bought, but also soft you should not abuse.
Agree - it is much more pleasant, than a condition of a sleepy fly?!
Not without reason many famous people and even politicians consider a dream the best decision from all troubles.