Is curious: 15 most rare things which can be seen only once

Behind the screen of movie theater
Girl Rapunzel?
The cozy court yard can be placed also on a roof
Water which poured over an elephant took his form
How you think where the rainbow begins?
In the old photo of the father with friends, it seems all cast of the movie "Very Strange Things" gathered
Unexpected clouds
Such traces were left more than 100 million years ago by Limayichnus dinosaurs, El-Ciochon, Argentina
The kitchen was established between window blocks
There are phenomena, natural and man-made which are really unique. it can be seen only once and if it very much carries, to manage to imprint on a photo. We also represent such most rare shots.
If suddenly fell asleep in the full bathroom
Norwegian mountain education
Probably, exactly here it is necessary to look for a pot with gold, in Norway
An evident difference of the sizes - a horse and a pony
After long rains the sheep overgrew a grass
Childhood crash - Teletubbies without make-up
A web from the art designer's spider