How to fascinate people, amusing

In the wake of my training in Prague and in the run-up to the new training "Sure communication" I wrote down for you a small video lesson.
Remember that there are only two days in a year when you cannot make anything. One of them is called "yesterday", and another is called "tomorrow"
For those who want rapid progress in communication with other people I sounded two simple exercises.
I will be in Kiev in a month, on May 26, monitor my mailings
Write in comments that you about yourself learned new, having executed these exercises? What questions on the subject "sure communication" most interest you? in what do you have the greatest difficulties?
for viewing of video press a black triangle in the center
Prior to a meeting on my training "Sure communication. or How to receive everything and at once, right now!" this Sunday, April 28, from 13 to 18 o'clock - read all details HERE
And you are not going to visit Odessa accidentally)))?
No related posts.
For especially advanced - in video there is one more additional (difficult) task.
Hello! And if I am in Ukraine. How to me to participate in your training?
Look at it and solve for yourself - whether you are able to fascinate people? Whether people when you tell something to them hear you?