From our users: natural means for fight against scars

Scars should begin to be processed as soon as possible, not only for esthetic reasons, but also in order that skin could be restored completely. It will be useful to eat vitamin-rich and minerals products and also you can independently prepare special natural substances ointment which should be applied every day until the scar does not disappear.
We will prepare fornatural ointment for smoothing of scars which contains the elements promoting scarring and regeneration of skin. It will be necessary for us:
Bees give us two fine natural and economic means for skin regeneration improvement: honey and propolis.
Propolis was used still by ancient Egyptians to whom its antibacterial and regenerating properties therefore with its help various skin diseases treated were well-known. Aristotle called propolis & #171; various skin infections, ulcers medicine and нагноений». If every day to apply this substance on a scar and also to use propolis inside, it will quickly restore cells of skin, and scars will become much less noticeable.
When scarring and regeneration of skin take place with complications, and scars long remind of themselves, we can use cream from an arnica which is usually sold in drugstores and specialized shops and to accept Arnica 6CH as well as Hypericum 6CH homeopathic remedy about which we wrote above.
Way of preparation: It is necessary to mix in glasswares of an aloe belief and oil of the Chilean wild rose, approximately 50 ml, to add 10 drops of essential oil of a lavender and 10 drops of vitamin E which will serve in quality of preservative. Carefully we mix the received means by means of a wooden spoon. In order that medicine was longer stored, it is possible to put it in the refrigerator. Ointment should be applied on a scar at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Vitamin C & #8212; a power source and health, it is strong antioxidant for skin and also renders on the action it regenerating, moistening and strengthening. For this reason vitamin C & #8212; a necessary element in treatment of scars: it promotes formation of new cells of skin and replacement of old. Products rich with vitamin C:
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Vitamin A or beta carotene helps to support skin in good condition and also promotes scarring. We can use products which support him; most of them & #8212; orange tset, for example:
It is also possible to use nutritional supplements with vitamin C. The most natural are made from the crushed Barbados cherry, they it is better than others are acquired by an organism.
Honey has a set of useful properties: it has the moistening properties, is strong antioxidant and an antibiotic. It is often used structure of face packs and also at treatment of scars. Every day put natural honey to a scar for ten minutes three times a day.
Also you can use organic silicon, it is the basic biological significant element, in other words, it is necessary for human health, and, besides, is the real elixir of beauty. We recommend to accept organic silicon of plant origin as it is better acquired by an organism.
Silicon is one of the basic elements necessary for cell regeneration in an organism and, respectively, in skin. It is the first mineral of which it is necessary to think if you want to have healthy skin, hair and nails. Many firming creams as it considerably promotes elasticity of skin contain it. Products rich with silicon:
To reduce painful feelings in the field of scars, we advise to use St. John's wort oil which you will also be able to prepare by the hands. For this purpose it is necessary to put to be soaked St. John's wort flowers in olive oil within 30 days in the open air. Oil priobrert a reddish shade. The received means seledut to apply on the scar disturbing you three times a day. Besides, this oil well helps at bruises and burns. Still you can ispolzjvat Hypericum 6CH homeopathic remedy: three tablets under language three times a day, not during meal or consumption of coffee and not in usage time of substances with strong taste, for example, tooth-powder.
You can find cream from propolis which will help to avoid the inflammations sometimes caused by the usual creams containing a set of chemicals in the structure in drugstores.