Writers and cats, new on the website

Since ancient times people unmistakably addressed for inspiration our relatives. Different forms had relations with some of animals, but as a result turned into a vicious circle: from worship to domestication, and then back to worship. The dog, though deserves glorification thanks to the tireless loyalty and keenness to people, somewhat lost fight for worship - more than possibly, because of these lines. The cat, aloof and incognizable, inexplicable force wakes up feeling of attachment in the person. It is no wonder that many creations of the person are obliged to this wild muse: playing occasionally with a moving cap of the handle, she helped the writer's feather to move surely after a thought.
From Iosif Brodsky's memoirs the reader learns that at the dacha at Anna Akhmatova, the close girlfriend of the poet, there lived very violent red cat known as Gluck about whom Akhmatova said: "Well, you know, this is not a cat, it the whole one and a half cats any more". And here is how Brodsky remembers fluffy: "Opens old, шуршаща¤… the door and because of it looks out fluffy прелесть… notable cat, to all cats кот…". Somehow Akhmatova noticed similarity of this red cat with Brodsky and the poet admitted that if somebody he also wants to become in future life, just a cat - moustached and having a tail.
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The writer with humour noted once:
In 1962 the novel by the writer William S. Burroughs "A naked breakfast" which became one of the last serious tests for morality in the American literature was published. Its severe, obscene, impregnated with drugs prose fairly played on nerves at furious post-war America. Burroughs who passed for the revolutionary writer in wide circles was considered "the enthusiast of weapon". However in the middle of extensive discussion of the literary researches of the writer violating all rules the story is published: silent and peace story of Burroughs about the person cat.
In January, 2015 Murakami created the temporary website on which he answered questions of the admirers. Thousands of readers asked for suggestions about love and literary art, it was curious to much to learn also about life of pets of the maestro. When one reader asked for suggestions in search of his lost cat, Murakami answered:
& #171; Magnifiko was the Cat with whom I liked to communicate most of all. It was amazingly clever creation. Once we with it had a hobby: we tried to present ourselves to roles the friend друга».
& #171; My relations with cats saved me from deadly, all-consuming равнодуш褻.
& #171; Cats sometimes just disappear. You have to love and appreciate them, they near вами» so far;.
Hermann Hesse who is happily smiling can be seen in the photo in the company of cats more than once. The writer had a pet by the name of the Narcissus. Hesse assigned cat's a sign part in human life:
Lessing was fond of cats at young age when she met semi-run wild cat's on the African farm where she grew. Being adult, she was an owner of several cats, but Magnifiko became the real inspiration for it "clumsily majestic". The writer lovingly remembered it in the memoirs The Old Age of El Magnifico. Once in one interview Lessing asked about how she communicates with the cats. That answered:
Huxley believed also that cats are irreplaceable creative satellites on the way to awareness of human nature:
"If the person loves cats, I at once become to him the friend and the companion, without excess rituals".
"The cat never behaves as if you were the only bright spot in our general saddened существовании… it is one more confirmation to the fact that a cat & #8212; it is not sentimental, but it does not mean at all that it has no attachments".
Though Sartre's relations with cats are not testified by written archives, to public the photo in which the master, being behind work, holds a fluffy cat by the name of Nothing at himself under the arm is well-known. Sartre, obviously, was also one of inspirers for the French short film about a cat Henri (Henri, le Chat Noir) who proclaimed that by the nature all cats are existentialists.
In the novel "Kafka on the Beach" one of the main characters bears a name of the Setup. As a result of "an extraterrestrial incident" in the childhood the hero loses memory, but in exchange gains ability to speak with cats. In other story under the name "City of Cats" Murakami's hero gets to the city inhabited by cats one night. The man hides in the bell tower and becomes the witness of ordinary life cat's: those work at offices, go shopping and drink in bars.
& #171; There Is one love, one force, one rescue, one happiness, and what is called love. Only one from this can give you a lot of things кошка».
Cats were constant partners of Brodsky, with them the poet had a set of photos. There is history that once the journalist visited Brodsky, and the conversation took place so well that as the sign of deep respect for the guest the poet suggested it to wake the favourite cat.
Cortбzar loved cats and found in them nearly a soulmate. His favourite was called Theodor Adorno. The writer told about the feelings to it in the work Around the Day in Eighty Worlds:
Though not openly expressed, Yeats's love to cats can be found in his poetry. In the poem "Cat and Moon" the poet depicts as himself a cat, and the image of the moon is used for his muse by Maud Gonn, feminists and actresses from society who inspired Yeats throughout all the life. Gonna's cat by the name of Minnalushe who sits and looks at the changing Moon is mentioned in the poem. Yeats metaphorically turns into the cat who is eager for love from the woman whom he loves. Alas, Maud Gonn did not agree to marry him in spite of the fact that he asked her hand and heart four times.
The author of world famous "Plague" Albert Camus was a heavy smoker. Try to find at least one its photo without cigarette - for this purpose you need many efforts. But despite an addiction, Camus had uncommon imagination and sense of humour. They also prompted to the writer to call the cat by such name which for it, obviously, was included into the category of tender. So the maestro had a fluffy and purring Cigarette.
Once Chandler told:
It is known that the writer used an image of a cat as an ominous omen in several stories. However it did not follow ways of his trembling love to these fluffy muses. His tortoise cat, Catharina, was an inspiration source for his story "Black Cat". In the winter of 1846 Catharina regularly stayed in a ball pose on a bed with the wife On which died of tuberculosis, and warmed the maestro's companion during the last moments of her life.
Being one of the most famous novelists of the generation, Murakami is very mysterious person. Before the fortieth anniversary and the beginning of literary career he owned jazz cafe in Tokyo which carried the name Peter Cat. It is known that Haruki wrote the majority of the favourite novels to the companies of the cat's friends. Kirin, Butch, Sandens, Mackerel and Scotty & #8212; some of them.
A cat Vilhelmina was the writer's muse and when she gave birth to kittens, Dickens kept one and called it MasterТs Cat. Vilhelmina always remained a row when the writer sat down at work. In reports it is said that when she wanted its attention, she blew out the candle for reading.
"I, as cat. When something is pleasant to me, I sniff to it and облизываюсь… Here, you look, a cat. It is perfect to Kot to spit whether there is society "Pamyat". Or department of promotion in the Central Committee of the CPSU. Also, however, the U.S. President, his existence or absence is indifferent for it. Than I am worse than a cat?"
Hemingway famous as adorer of cats, in 1945 had 23 favourites (among them there were also such curious names as the Madman Christian, Ecstasy, the Skunk, the Motor). They say that his love to cats began when he received a polidaktalny (six-fingered) cat by the name of the Snowball as a gift from the captain when he lived in Florida. His house is turned into the museum now and is a shelter for more than 40 descendants of the Snowball! In the preface of Hemingway's Cats: Hemingway's niece remembers An Illustrated Biography how he called cats by "love sponges" and "murlychny factories".
Throughout all the career Raymond Chandler never left the favourite black Persian cat of Taki which he called the secretary. The name of the pet was initially written as "Take", but Chandler was tired to tell people that the cat is called in honor of the Japanese word "bamboo", and, respectively, is said in two syllables. Came to his life approximately when the writer began to work on the novels. Once Chandler wrote to the friend that always near him, "as a rule, sitting on paper which I wanted to use or having leaned against the typewriter. And sometimes she just silently looks out of the window from a corner of a table and as if speaks to me: "All, what are you doing, waste of time, friend".
& #171; If you want to be romantic psychologist and to write about people, the best that you can make, it to get a couple кошек».
"Nobody ever dared to show the boredom as impudently as the Siamese cat yawning before the importunate wife".
Friends called Shaw of "the full of love to cats". Every time, coming to them on a visit, the playwright first of all hurried to address fluffy inhabitants of the apartment. Bernard Shaw called a neighbour's cat of Cosy (English & #171; уютнऻ) "cat of violent passions". One of friends of the writer remembered in the letters that once Shaw to horror was frightened, having seen as the cat unexpectedly jumped off from a balcony. It was at once thrown on the street to bring it back. Some of the most quoted words of the maestro became:
& #171; The Person is cultural so as far as he is capable to understand a cat. & #187;
"Earlier I needed someone who, as well as I, will not fit into the age, and such person was very difficult to be found. But soon I opened for myself cats who as it seemed to me, stayed in the same state, as well as I".
Mark Twain placed advertizing once in New York that people helped it to find the black cat Bambino whom in the announcement it described as "hardly to find at usual light". In general, Twain claimed that there are two cleanest, cunning and cleverest beings in the world - it is a cat and the girl whom you love.
In the twilight of the life Burroughs wrote The cat inside, the autobiographical story investigating it life through pets with whom he for years lived side by side. The writer unexpectedly shows the vulnerability and takes off a hat before cats for revival of the humanity. Burroughs was asked once whether he wanted to be loved ever. What the writer answered:
Each great city deserves the excellent detective story. For London at the end of the Victorian era it was Sherlock Holmes. For the modern city of Los Angeles in America of the middle of the twentieth century it was Filip Marlow. Marlow created by the novelist Raymond Chandler was knight bourbon in the country of neon signs and smoky hotel bars.
"We were left some, without justification".
"It depends on the one whom to be favourite. If my cats & #8212; that is certain and!".
& #171; From all God's creations there is only one of which it is impossible to make the slave, even by means of a whip, is кошка».
Huxley had several cats. To one of them, Limbaugh, it allowed to climb to itself(himself) on a shoulder in operating time over texts.
Cortбzar has a fine literary sketch devoted cat's & #171; About circulation art р¤дом»:
& #171; The Major discoveries are made under circumstances and in places of the most unusual. To take Newton's apple & #8212; unless it is not tremendous? It happened so that during the business meeting, itself I do not know why, I thought of cats (who were not connected with the agenda in any way) and suddenly opened that cats & #8212; phones. And so, at once & #8212; all ingenious is simple. Certainly, similar opening are a certain surprising: nobody got used to that phones walked about backwards-forward moreover drank up milk and adored fish. Time is required to understand: it is about phones special, it seems & #171; воки-токи» which has no wires, & #8212; and, in addition, to consider that we are unusual too, times were still not understood that cats & #8212; phones, & #8212; here also did not come to our mind to use them. Considering that this ignorance goes back to the most remote antiquity, today it is not necessary to hope for communication which we would try to adjust by means of opening, & #8212 especially; the lack of the code which would allow to decipher the message is obvious, to precisely define origin and temper of senders. As it was noticed, it is not about picking up the nonexistent phone and to dial number having nothing in common with our figures, and, of course, not about that on other end of a wire could speak with us in some very foggy occasion. The fact that phones operate is confirmed by any cat, with the advantage which is badly rewarded by biped subscribers, & #8212; nobody will be able to deny that its black, white, white and skewbald or Angora phone continually resolutely comes nearer, stops at legs of the subscriber and selects the message which is foolishly transcribed by our primitive pathetic literature in shape & #171; м¤у» and other similar phonemes. Silky verbs, plush adjectives, simple and compound sentences, permanently soapy and glitserinopodobny, form the speech which in other cases is connected with feeling of hunger: in these cases phone no other than a cat, but in other cases he expresses, distracting from the personality, and it demonstrates that at this time the cat is phone. Stupid and pretentious, we throughout the millennia did not answer calls, did not ask a question from where they who on other end of a wire what tirelessly reminded us the trembling tail in any of houses of the earth of. On what to me and you my opening? Each cat & #8212; phone, but each person & #8212; just person. Whether we need to know what they continue to notify on us what horizons open for us, & #8212; as for me, I was enough only for dialing number of the university in which I work on ordinary phone, and nearly with shame to publish the opening. It is excessive to speak about dumbness of the frozen cassava with which the scientists answering such звонки» met my message;.
It is also known that Iosif Brodsky often finished telephone conversation with relatives and friends, saying: "Meow-meow!"
Burroughs, perhaps, was closer to cats, than to people. His house in Lawrence, the State of Kansas, represented virtual cat's colony. For the writer fluffy pets were not only favourite companions, but also spiritual conductors. Fletch, Raski and the Smoke - some of his favourites whose graceful paws played poetical motive on strings of berrouzovsky creative life.
Mark Twain was repeatedly photographed with his fluffy friends. He admitted the love to cat's, once having told:
The writer existentialist Jean Paul Sartre was a key figure of the French philosophy of the 20th century. The main belief to which Sartre adhered was that the person "is doomed to be free". He did not believe in the creator and considered that we are completely responsible for our actions:
Source: http://photo-rai.ru