Knives for all occasions from ruike, the most readable

Popular knives are not cheap goods. They are distinguished on materials (quality of used) of which they are made also to finishing. The knives made by masters are more expensive in comparison with those which are delivered serially. Now good but, for example from Ruike, costs from one and a half thousand rubles and for such cost it will serve much longer, than cheap analogs.
The best knives for departure on a picnic: 1. Ruike Trekker Ld42odin from the best options for a trip to the nature. It is capable to perform 19 various functions despite the small size. For creation of a knife the materials from the Swedish stainless steel which are perfectly maintaining difficulties of field use.2 were used. Ruike Criterion Collection L41esli needs to buy the penknife which is carrying out many tasks, the Ruike L41 model precisely will approach. Creators of these goods developed it especially for travelers and fans of backpackings, having contained all necessary tools assembled in the general handle with the main blade.
1. Quality. The cheap knife bought in the market in most cases will serve not so long, than a qualitative knife from shop. And will obviously not break at any inopportune moment. With more expensive goods its owner will precisely be sure of durability of a handle and firmness of an edge because in characteristic of knives everything that future buyer.2 needs to know is specified. Unique, unique design. Having bought a knife of a specific form in online store the buyer precisely will be sure that one of acquaintances will have no such knife. Exist as well the knives developed by designers. They are issued in limited quantity and are at once bought up by collectors, however the price tag will be not to everyone on a pocket.3. Economy of the budget. Having bought a qualitative good knife for 3 thousand the buyer already saves, in the next years it will not need to go to shop again and to choose replacement broken what you will not tell about purchase of a cheap knife.4. Guarantee. Together with a qualitative knife the buyer will have an opportunity at breakage to hand over a knife back in shop and or to get the refund, or to exchange for a knife with the same sum in shop. The main thing not to forget to leave the warranty card if such case nevertheless comes.
Good, and, above all irreplaceable, the knife is useful in a set of situations against which the person in everyday life comes up. During a season of campaigns for mushrooms, fishing, the knife is the most important tool. He is also considered the irreplaceable assistant in kitchen, at departure on a picnic.
Knives are distinguished on the application purpose, a form of a blade and material which is used for production of future knife. It is important to know what a good knife will be only such which corresponds to these criteria of classification. It is necessary to consider also construction features, for example, a usual knife or folding. That is it is necessary to choose such which will not be a pity for buying and applying at other people.