will help to Get rid of fat on a stomach these 7 products, a selection

Published: 15.3.2018
these 7 products will help to get rid of fat on a stomach

The stomach, undoubtedly, is one of the most problem zones of our body. Fatty deposits in this area collect imperceptibly, gradually changing outlines of our waist. How can we prevent and get rid it of fat on a stomach?

the myth that from avocado get fat Exists. It's not true. It contains oleic acid & #8212; an element which causes feeling of saturation. Besides, avocado contains cellulose which is necessary for us to achieve a flat stomach. This fruit will help to get rid of excess fat, thanks to the nutritiousness and the fact that eliminates feeling of hunger.

2. Banana

Eat them in any variations, then your organism will receive a set of vitamins and minerals.

4. Seafood

Tomatoes are simply magnificent in salads, sauces, in a combination with any other products. Without their unique taste it is just impossible to present our lunch or a dinner.

It is enough to eat one avocado a day. Precisely it will be pleasant to you, it is magnificent in salads and sauces, it is just impossible to resist its taste and advantage!

Try to drink 2 liters of water a day (juice and other liquids are not considered). Exclude consumption of products from the white refined flour, avoid semi-finished products, sweets. Try to use less salt when cooking, it is the main reason for a delay of liquid in an organism. Accustom themselves to do small exercises every day. Only half an hour of walking in day, and your organism will tell you thanks if, of course, to do it regularly. Remember that to follow a diet & #8212; does not mean to starve. It is necessary to follow the rule of four meals in day: breakfast (this most important), then lunch, small afternoon snack and dinner. Ideally, portions have to be small, but never give in to temptation to miss a breakfast or, for example, a dinner. Food which burn fat on zhivote1. Apple

We adore sweet cherry. If you were lucky to find it in the market at the good price, do not even doubt. Except that it is incredibly useful to our gastrointestinal tract, to heart, helps to lower the level of cholesterol and uric acid, still sweet cherry helps to regulate our metabolism, reducing feeling of hunger.

If you add fresh fruit to the daily diet, it will help you to get rid of fat, but also will improve to a vsha health. Do not forget that banana & #8212; it is full-fledged food, it will be appropriate in the first or second half of day, between meals when there is a wish to have a bite something. It not only will eliminate feeling of hunger, but also will give you new strength for work.

Addictions, a sedentary life and improper feeding can lead to the fact that on our stomach fat will be saved. All of us know that miracles do not exist and to receive ideally flat stomach, efforts and even the small victims are necessary. Among them there is, for example, a refusal of the products provoking a liquid delay in an organism and fat accumulation.

Read also: An apple diet to gather in a stomach!

And you know that tomatoes help to reduce the level of lipids (fats) in blood? Thus, they help to clean an organism, and prevent fat accumulation. Do not forget about tomatoes when you prepare the favourite dishes!

How beginning day with tasty apple? Physicians and nutritionists recommend this fine idea for a breakfast, and advise to add it with a plate of porridge. The reason for which apples promote combustion of fat is that they contain a set of nutrients, vitamin C, flavonoids and beta carotene.

Remember that in order that apples really helped us to fight against fat, it is necessary to eat 2-3 in day therefore, except one for breakfast, we can do fresh apple juice also. If to mix it with beet, it will be excellent addition for our dinner.

Agree that there is seafood every day & #8212; quite expensive pleasure, but try that they were present at your menu at least 3 times a week. Seafood contains monononsaturated fats which prevent accumulation of fat in our body, besides, they are very useful and rich the Omega with 3 acids.

Therefore, first of all, we recommend to you to begin with the following steps:

6. Sweet cherry

7. Tomatoes

It is very rich with antioxidants, but we advise to use it only during a season. You should not buy, for example, ready juice in supermarket, in them all useful properties of sweet cherry are lost, and they are absolutely bespolezena for us, it is just drinks with the huge content of sugar.

The celery is also an important component of our daily menu. This vegetable perfectly helps us to fight against fat, is well combined practically with any products and is very tasty in any kind.

It is interesting: 9 good reasons that there is an avocado more often

The celery will gain a large amount of vitamin C, calcium, but its most important advantage that he helps us to fight against excess weight.

One banana contains from 75 to 130 calories. This fruit is rich with potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. He acts as isotonic drink, only in the form of food. It is an ideal power source with which we should not eat with it at least once a day.

Pay attention to our councils. Only a few efforts will be required, and you will achieve excellent result.

5. Avocado

Source: http://photo-rai.ru

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