of 10 councils which will allow to keep veins healthy, new

Published: 17.3.2018
10 councils which will allow to keep veins healthy

Varicose veins are considered as one of the main problems of esthetic character undermining female beauty. But the danger of varicosity is beyond an esthetics. Its prevention & #8212; an important condition which will help to keep veins healthy.

For this reason it is so important to p to create useful habits which will serve as good prevention and treatment of varicosity if it already appeared. In spite of the fact that we can control not all risk factors, preventive measures are capable to reduce the probability of appearance of varicosity considerably.

Carrying by the rhyme of tight clothes, especially trousers and jeans, complicates the return blood-groove on veins. It increases risk of appearance of varicosity.

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Though any vein can suffer from varicosity, the veins located in the lower part of our body most often suffer. The matter is that they most often are overloaded when our body is in certain provisions.

Keep in mind that besides the councils mentioned above there are local types of therapy allowing to calm inflammation and to improve blood circulation in problem area.

The best way of prevention and treatment of varicosity consists in leading more healthy lifestyle and to limit addictions. Pay attention to the recommendations provided below:

What reasons of varicosity?

The disease can develop at any age. Most often it develops at adults. It should be noted the risk factors increasing the probability of appearance of a varicosity:

High heels are beautiful and with them we feel more attractively. Nevertheless, long carrying such heels causes weight in legs and increases a possibility of emergence of vascular asterisks and varicosity.

Certainly, it matters for prevention of development of varicosity too.

Most important & #8212; it is timely to begin treatment of a varicosity, without waiting for possible complications. So you will be able to keep veins healthy!

Any form of physical activity is useful to our blood circulation. For this reason we recommend to you to develop the plan of daily trainings for prevention of varicosity. Does not matter, you will be engaged at home or in the sports center.

When we long are in the same pose standing or sitting, the risk of development of a varicosity increases. Try to change more often position of a body, at least for several minutes.

Avoid the so-called wonderful diets promising fast weight loss. They often do harm to an organism.

Long stay in the sun or near sources of heat is capable to cause violations of blood circulation and a delay of liquid.

Broths and curative plants and spices infusions are capable to stimulate work of lymphatic system and to activate our blood circulation. It allows to remove the toxins which collected in an organism.

Quite often varicosity extends to legs and a foot as lower part of our body bears on itself the main loading of weight of the person caused by action of force of an attraction of the earth.

It is impossible to forget that the varicosity represents blood circulation violation. Though not always varicosity becomes really dangerous. Sometimes this frustration indicates presence of other diseases.

Such veins gain reddish or lilac color and become noticeable under the surface of skin.

7. Carry out physical exercises

If you are disturbed by this problem very important to consult to the nutritionist together to choose the correct diet.

The varicosity is characterized by emergence of expanded curved veins. Its reason should be looked for in weakening of the valves regulating a blood-groove.

4. You steer clear of heat sources

10. Drink infusions and broths

Long stay in the same situation negatively affects blood circulation because of what the probability of appearance of varicosity increases.

The useful and balanced food is crucial for maintenance of good blood circulation. This formula works for people of any age.

To keep veins and legs healthy, protect yourself from sunshine and heating devices.

1. Change position of a body more often

Compression stockings are the therapeutic clothes capable to improve a blood-groove and to save from the violations of blood circulation leading to appearance of varicosity.

Many are sure that the only symptom of varicosity are the expanded and sticking out veins. It's not true. There are also other signals which demonstrate development of this disease:

The cold shower is one of the most useful procedures for our blood circulation. Though from time to time also the weakening hot shower is useful, low temperatures are more useful as they activate our blood circulation.

It is better to give preference to free clothes which do not put pressure upon a body.

Source: http://photo-rai.ru

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