the Step 5 from salary to salary or how to break off a vicious circle, life hack

Video. Master of creation and copying of the budget.
It is IMPORTANT! If this indicator turns out negative, & #8211; means your expenditure go not at the expense of the current income, and at the expense of the remains for the beginning of month, or at the expense of the credits obtained this month. If as a result the free monetary rest according to the plan is negative, & #8211; the created plan is impracticable, it is necessary to correct articles of the budget.
Today we will tell about the key moment in management of personal finance.
At preservation of operation in the mobile application you receive the answer on the rest on the budget and the forecast of expenditure for the future at once.
Create reports in a month and carry out the analysis as we before
IMPORTANT! Your task to provide a difference between income and expenses of 10-15%.
1. By means of the master of creation and copying of the budget.
IMPORTANT! In the budget of "PRO" important sections appear:
It is IMPORTANT! If you do not use a part of functionality, then this ineffective occupation.
In the mobile application it is possible svaypy to receive specification on the budget to the left (or having clicked on an icon to the left of the tachometer) (it is spent / the rest).
You can check the knowledge of service here.
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1. Choose expenses for optimization.2. Define a limit of categories.3. Now it is necessary to set desirable limits and to begin to observe them. For this purpose it is necessary to come on the PLAN tab & #8211; "BUDGET".
IMPORTANT! At creation of the plan for expenses it is necessary to consider that NET INCOME has to be 10-20 percent from income.
Video. Tab & laquo; ѕлан» section & laquo; Ѕюджет».
There are two possibilities of filling of the BUDGET:
On the website on the Info page there is a budget tachometer too, when aiming at it there will be a hint. Specification and hints according to the forecast can be received on the BUDGET page in the section "PLAN".
2. Through editing each line of the budget on the page of the budget.
To increase the efficiency and to learn more nuances how to plan for a year, to consider payments on the credits and savings on the purpose, to export the budget, to load data from the calendar, to copy the previous versions of the budget as it is correct to READ the budget, you can ask questions at our next webinar:
How to make it? You already know how it is correct to READ FINANCE and to find unnecessary expenses or expenses for optimization.
When filling the budget of will make recommendations.
You already learned to count the cost of the personal CAPITAL, to do not miss important payments, it is correct to analyze statistics on finance.
On the INFO page on the website and in the mobile application there is a Budget tachometer. The widget shows how many you spent on the budget and how many remained.
IMPORTANT! 95% of the population have practically no savings and lives from salary to salary, some also borrow money under huge percent from microfinance institutions.
The mobile application will help with it.
Video. Addition of expenses in the budget from the calendar.
Video. Tachometers of the budget, hint for the forecast.
Correct will be to create the BUDGET for month. And then to copy values for the year ahead. Further every month it needs to be edited taking into account possible seasonal changes and large expenditure.
An indicator the PURE CASH FLOW is equal to a difference between arrival of money (income + the credits taken by you) and outflow of money (expenses + repayments of the taken credits/loans + contributions to the financial purposes).
- Repayment debts/receiving credits or loans. Perhaps, you take or repay debts & #8211; in this case this section of the BUDGET will help you to plan cash flows.
The budget has two appearance: "idle time" and "PRO". It can also be displayed "for a month" or "for a year" (by the month).
- Savings - for planning of contributions to the financial purposes (we will talk about it in the following releases).
Expenses on the budget are formed as well on the basis of data of the CALENDAR. For updating of values it is necessary to press the Add from the Calendar button.
At registration, proceeding from the income reported by you, to you the first budget was created automatically.
If you want to be really financially independent, then it is important to begin to do savings. How to get to 5% of lucky? First of all, it is necessary to provide a difference between income and expenses. With it you will be helped by the BUDGET function of service.
After you planned the budget, it needs to be controlled.
Video. Editing lines of the budget.