the Most readable: a nation wrong side in Eric Bulatov's pictures

Bulatov's look & #8212; it is a look of the realist. Clear language he skillfully tells about duality of surrounding reality without translucent hints. Color plays an important role: with its help it is possible to understand mood of the author, his thought of the good and evil, to see nostalgia on leaving and desire of changes. In two last a picture ("Glory of the CPSU", "A view of Moscow from Madrid") the artist compares the ideologized reality and reality natural. Both resist each other, and from it our consciousness is in confusion in this space. Opening a views wrong side, he becomes reflection of national type of consciousness. Therefore his pictures in the same way need the viewer as the viewer in them. In the unsteady and changeable world a picture & #8212; it is hope and a support. Interacting, it is possible to understand not only it, but also life which you live here and now.
His works synthesize poster inscriptions with is realistic the executed world around fragments. Phrases in pictures are snatched out from a context of modern reality, thereby they give to the observer a scope for creative imagination. Time of a picture cause diametrically different emotional response. Some awaken the internal child whose look is filled with curiosity and desire to understand what is represented. Others return in the past and force to peer into themselves. "As there are affairs" and "Clouds grow" are externally very similar, but absolutely various on sense. In the first picture of a cloud against the background of the blue sky over the city give rise to feeling of spring, hope and joy. The human world is insignificant in comparison with Universe space, the huge blue sky obviously hints us at it. Waits that we will peer into it and we will see how melochna our cares in comparison with its stately infinity. "Clouds grow", on the contrary, conceals in itself alarm and sense of danger. Thunderstorm approach as punishments if to consider a picture in a bible context. People do not live in harmony with themselves and the world. The imposed ideological dogmas and cults of leaders can create only artificial paradise.
Avant-gardist Eric Vladimirovich Bulatov & #8212; the only Russian artist, whose works were exposed in Louvre and in the National center of art and culture of Pompidou. In 1988 he was recognized by UNESCO the best artist of year. Bulatov treats such situation from irony shares, meanwhile his pictures have invariable success at the leading auctions of the world.