the Most interesting: sunflower oil

Sunflower oil - the most often used vegetable oil in food. We since the childhood were accustomed that sunflower oil the most useful. We fill with oil salads, we cook mayonnaise and other sauces on its basis, we fry on it, we use in house preparations and preservation.
the Research of the international group of scientists headed by experts from the University of Granada showedhow long consumption of sunflower, olive oil and cod-liver oil influences a liver of rats. Scientists carried out a series of complex analyses to establish how the body reacted to consumption of various oils.
Diseases without the reason do not happen. Harm of vegetable oil to very few people is known. Using this product every day, you can provoke a serious illness and cause an irreparable loss to the health.
Non-compliance with these restrictions can seriously affect health, bring with serious condition which is capable to cause even death.
In this article you learn about negative impact of sunflower oil on an organism and about why the editorial office "So Simply!" recommends to avoid the frequent use of this oil.
At a temperature over 30 degrees asphalt emits petrolpyrene which is absorbed in sunflower seeds in air. Experts claim that in seeds which were stored the whole year concentration of petrolpyrene reaches such sizes that no refining and deodorization will save.
Regularly filling salads with linseed oil and using it on an empty stomach, you will help to normalize work of an organism and will cure many diseases.
And you are able to choose vegetable oil correctly? Share article on the page if you consider that this information is useful in prevention and treatment of various diseases of a liver. Write to us in comments, than still it is possible to replace traditional vegetable oils without danger to an organism.
Leaves so that at some rats the liver grows old in the healthy and natural way, and others are predisposed to various diseases".
If you for certain reasons cannot refuse consumption of sunflower oil, at least try to follow this simple advice not to do much harm to an organism.
Josй Luнs Morales, professor of physiology of the University of Granada, explains: "During the research we found out that fat collects in a liver with age. But the most amazing turned out the fact that the type of the saved-up fat differs depending on the consumed oils.
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During analyses it became clear that olive oil of a cold first extraction is the safest for a liver throughout all life. And here sunflower oil and cod-liver oil destroy cells of a liver and oxidize it.
How to avoid harm of vegetable oil
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Yassen stub & #8212; The 100th pood paid journalism! Advertizing of olive oil and non-stick frying pans which there lasts maximum for half a year. Already several hundreds of years mankind are used by sunflower oil and suddenly in the last year it became clear that it is DEADLY! Nonsense! Nonsense! NONSENSE!
Who cannot use sunflower oil
Spain, Italy, Turkey & #8212; the biggest producers of olive oil. The university of Granada is in Spain. Does not suggest an idea of the invited paper. Here it is only impossible to fry on olive oil of the first extraction and to everything it very much and very bitter. Questions are?
Other group of experts found substance of the first hazard class - petrolpyrene. It is carcinogen and causes cancer. On production passes up to 95% of the petrolpyrene which is contained in sunflower seeds into oil. Often, sunflower grows on fields along roads, and sunflower seeds sometimes are stored on asphalt.
The popularity of sunflower oil is caused by wide circulation in our region and low cost. But the facts force us to recognize that the value of this food fat not only is overestimated, but also its use is hazardous to health.
What oil to use? An alternative toxic sunflower is olive oil. It is known that in sunflower more vitamins A, E and K, than contain in olive. However oil of an olive is better acquired thanks to the content of oleic acid.
"The changes caused by long consumption of sunflower oil and cod-liver oil do a liver susceptible to a nonalcoholic steatogepatit, very serious disease which can be the reason of cirrhosis and cancer of a liver" - professor Morales notes.
Buy only not refined vegetable oil of the first cold extraction. In such product there are more useful substances, than in the "dead" refined. Use only 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil a day for gas station of dishes. Do not take in head to fry on vegetable oil! Under the influence of high temperature useful qualities are lost, and using the same oil for frying, you do serious harm to health. In such product the dangerous carcinogens contributing to the development of oncological diseases are produced. Throw out old frying pans to which food without oil use sticks. Get new, with non-stick coating, prepare without fat. Such ware is already much more available, than earlier. The frying pan with a teflon covering allows to fry products without oil - it is safe and it is useful for an organism. Do not save on health!