the Exit from financial crisis, popular

The other day the dollar showed the unpredictable character again and unnerved strongly owners of rubles.
is more detailed thanHERE
Therefore to protect itself from painful consequences of crisis I recommend to you to create a stock of cash in advance and to constantly create new sources of income.
Only one can give you confidence in tomorrow is a presence at you of several (optimum - several tens) various sources of income.
To start sales via the coupon websites or through boards of free announcements, to become the administrator of social networks or to write texts to order, to get a job in call center or to become the remote worker - here only some opportunities for creation of additional income.
A name (obligatory)
If your answer "no" or "at me is not present the plan", then as the ancient wisdom says, no wind will exist to you passing.
My answer - everything goes according to the plan? According to your Plan?
And many companies are closed forever Е
When everything falls when crisis passes into the sharp phase, many companies are forced to fight for the survival. Usually it becomes by cut in expenditure - due to mass dismissal of employees, decrease in salaries remained, moving to more modest office, etc.
What was already made from this by you?
Again to me questions fell down - whether it is necessary to buy dollars whether it is necessary to take away the money from banks and to flee Mother Russia?
I wait for you tonight at 20-00 Moscow time at a webinar "Crisis-2013. What to do and how to be prepared for it?"
Prior to a meeting be live!
Right now it became perhaps easy to open the business - today business turned into technology which even the school student or the pensioner is capable to master.