the Average salary of the housemaid and maid in Moscow and other cities of Russia in 2019, updating

Maids or housemaids, as well as nurses, - some of the most popular vacancies at labor exchange, in recruitment agencies, the websites devoted to job search. Housemaids are employed not only in houses and apartments, but also in hospitals, offices of the companies, restaurants, cafe, bakeries.
For work in hospitals or the medical centers of the applicant are obliged to possess secondary medical education. To get a job in hotel or hotel, it is necessary to own bases of hotel management.
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In hospitals of the nurse are obliged to watch purity of patients, to utilize their waste, to remove chambers and offices.
The salary of the housemaid has to answer working conditions and the schedule of work. The monthly salary depends, generally on knowledge, experience, the number of the fulfilled hours in day, in week and month. Such work quite heavy as at waiters or a barmer, also demands from women and men of self-discipline, organization, responsibility, but (at execution of the corresponding work permit) often hire Ukrainians, Belarusians, citizens of Uzbekistan, residents of LPR or the DPR.
Housemaids are necessary both in Moscow, and in regions of the country in private and country houses, apartments, the companies. All employers demand to submit letters of recommendation, in announcements specify as a wish such personal qualities as resistance to stress, tactfulness, organization, decency.
Further cutting of the hidden videos about work of maids. & #171; Maids. Cinderella 21 века»:
The average salary of the housemaid in Moscow is 60 thousand rubles a month though rates can raise. For example, in hotels and country houses maids receive more, than housemaids in families. Services of maids can be paid pochasovo. In Moscow the housemaid in 1 hour can receive from 350 to 500 rubles. If the worker has qualification, experience, responsibly approaches performance of the duties, then the hour rate raises up to 500 rubles.
The amount of the salary in Moscow and other cities of Russia depends on the performed tasks among which It should be noted main:
Thus, the salary of the housemaid in Russia varies from several thousand to 50-90 thousand rubles. Everything depends on working conditions, the schedule, the carried-out duties, experience of work on a similar position, location of the house.
The average monthly salary of the housemaid in Moscow in private houses and apartments is much higher, than in other regions of the country or the Crimea. It is much more vacancies across Moscow, than in such cities as Yaroslavl, Novorossiysk, Kaliningrad, Samara, Voronezh.
Table 2 tells about that how many maids in some cities of Russia earn.
There are also elite housemaids whose minimum salary begins from 60 thousand rubles. Maids have to have the higher education, know one or several foreign languages, be able to handle the modern equipment, to apply expensive types washing and cleaners. At the request of employers of the woman have to provide recommendations from the previous places of work.
Maids in hotels and hotels work on a log way though in country complexes of such employees can employ with accommodation. Functional duties of house maids and hotel differ. In hotels belongs to duties of employees:
Work of the housemaid & #8212; it is awful. For each kopek stick, type, just like that pay. I regret that it was led for such work. I advise nobody though think.
In more detail in the city of Moscow it is possible to get acquainted with the amount of the salary of housemaids in table 1.
The housemaids living in Moscow or other cities, non-residents, citizens of other countries which worked as maids abroad receive from 40 thousand rubles. Such housemaids are considered as highly skilled as often are professional cooks, know how to handle plants on a personal plot, in a garden to clean VIP-clothes, to watch valuable things, carpets, to prepare the dietary menu.
Other quotations on services of housemaids look as follows:
Housemaids who are employed in family as gardeners or watchmen, live constantly with employers. The schedule of work can be 5-6 working days with 1-2 days off.
I have a brief experience of work as the housemaid. The hard work, sometimes is even not grateful. To receive the letter of recommendation for me was a problem though, in my opinion, did everything according to instructions. About salary everything is correctly written, pay well. But it is possible to find work easier for almost same money. Read article with great interest. Thanks.
In Moscow and area the initial salary of the housemaid makes 20 thousand rubles a month. For such salary citizens from other countries, as well as at the cashier's position, for example, or the worker of mail usually agree to work. Such housemaids live in family, doing only the cleaning of rooms and other rooms. Cooking does not belong to duties as employees are not able or to use the modern equipment, or do not agree to carry out duties for the stipulated salary.
Monthly tariffs for house cleaning or apartments make 30-40 thousand rubles. It is already higher, than the average salaries of the janitor or even seller in shop. If it is necessary to remove, prepare, to wash, stroke things, then clients have to be ready to paying the housemaid from 40 thousand rubles.
The housemaids who arrived from the countries of the former Soviet Union can receive 30 thousand rubles. They also live in the house of employers, remove, cook food, buy products, erase, iron and look after children.
If the housemaid is employed with conditions of performance of duties of the cook, then salary is raised up to 45-50 thousand rubles.
Maids have to be attentive, communicative, sensitive to inquiries of clients.
Often such schedule is present at maids at country houses.
Further video about work as the maid in five-star hotel:
In one day clients who need services of maids or housemaids will have to pay, on average from 1,5 thousand to 3 thousand rubles. Among main types of works which hired employees can execute It should be noted such:
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Work of difficult housemaids, constant complete control from owners, it is heavy to take a step & #171; вправо-влево». I consider, and their salary too, first of all, depends on the same owners.