the Advertising text - is easy, quickly, effectively, new

The advertizing text - a special type of the text. It is not similar neither to one another - nor on art, nor on publicistic, nor even on agitation and propaganda. To write the advertizing text happens not so easily.
it is excellent! Now begin to write it the letter. It is the best of all to begin with some loud statement. It has to be the phrase which will surely draw attention of this person. What can it be? Of course is what most of all interests this person at present.
The advertizing text - it is easy, quickly and effectively
At first imagine the person to whom you want to address him. How does he look, how old is he, where it works, or studies what is pleasant it to what music he likes to listen what he watches movies? The more details you will manage to remember, the better.
Then just describe any client with whom you had to get into conversation. Remember how he looked that said what questions he asked.
By the way, it was necessary to read very little.
Everything is right, you just received from me the recipe of powerful attractive advertizing heading. Try to use it and the attention to your announcement will be provided. It is known long ago that about 90% of people read only headings, and on their basis make the decision, to read them other text or not.
It contains everything about what I only that said:
Do you need proofs?
How to write the text of an advertisement without excess efforts and to receive new clients.
Now you know what to begin creation of the advertizing text with. If you make everything about what you read, then 90% of work will be already made. I will tell about other elements of the advertizing text somehow another time. For now I need only to wish you success and to say goodbye.
It is impossible!?
To be continued Е
And you already received them. You read this article and induced you it to make heading. I will remind once again if you managed to forget
Description of your problem; Offer of its decision; Benefit which you will receive.
Do you need to write urgently the text of an advertisement, and you do not know what to begin with? Start anew, set about legality of your business, and then start business.
Now you will definitely not resist and will read up the text of this article up to the end.
He agrees, with the third point at me it turned out somehow not really. But here we will be helped by a subtitle which will add heading and will just involve the potential client in reading the main text. Here it:
And are interested people most often only them, their own problems, obtaining benefits and advantages which will help to solve these problems. Well and needless to say, all this has to be somehow connected with goods which you sell. It is the best of all if you in one short phrase drawing attention tell how your goods solve a problem of this person and what huge benefit he at the same time will receive.