Popular : whether the visa to northern Cyprus to citizens of the CIS in 2019 is necessary

Northern Cyprus is very popular among travelers from the CIS countries, and here not only have a rest on beaches in summer months. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Armenians live in this republic not one millennium: study, work, improve skills, open the business. Statistically, at the moment on the island there are about 35-40 000 Russians. But how to be that who for the first time goes to these regions? Whether the visa to Northern Cyprus is necessary - and if yes, as it to receive that?
One more typical mistake: to arrive to the Southern Cyprus, to get over on the North, and then, having acquired the ticket for the ferry to Turkey or Israel, or having sat down on some flight at the local airport, to leave home. First, it is an algorithm difficult and means many changes. Secondly, that more important, according to documents you will be registered not left Northern Cyprus, and this already gross violation of migration policy. Do not you want to pay penalties or to appear in the black list?
To the people who are going to spend week - another on the Cyprian coast, it is not necessary to go by the homeland to embassy and to provide documents - enough to issue the pro-visa, to take with itself the international passport and to reserve a room in hotel. And here if you were invited to the country on study or work, with execution of papers there can be difficulties.
Below you will find summary what to do in each case.
Paperwork will cost 250 Turkish liras ($67). Having received the visa, the student will need to undergo medical inspection and to be registered in internal revenue service.
Before warning travelers against excesses, once you give advice, to get to Northern Cyprus and not to "damage" to yourself the international passport. If you have more to liking air flights, do not quarrel with the authorities of the Southern Cyprus. Arrive in the airport of Larnaca or Pathos, and then reach on the North by any convenient image. The immigration service of the Southern Cyprus not against trips to the unrecognized republic, but attempt to make fraud is punished strictly - deportation and further refusals in the visa.
In both cases it will be required to issue the pro-visa, but it is simple and inexpensive: service cost in the visa centers - about $12.
In what unreliability of this way consists? The matter is that if you sometime want to go to the Southern Cyprus, the staff of immigration service will pay attention to the Turkish marks and will find out that you arrived to this state, only to be transported on the island. The similar behavior in the Southern Cyprus and Greece is not welcomed. Therefore even if you do not gather for the South of the island or to Hellas yet, be careful: you never know as your plans will change?
We recommend this option especially as it is possible to get to Pathos, though with changes, from many large cities, including from:
Unlike individual entrepreneurs, to ordinary employees who were invited to work in TRSK to worry there is nothing. The office with which future employee signed the contract usually is engaged in execution of papers. The only document which will be required for entry into Cyprus - the personalized invitation from the chief (it will be necessary to show at the airport).
So to appear on the northern coast of the Mediterranean island, it is rather simple to traveler to buy the air ticket and to receive the Schengen visa on border. But if you have an open Schengen visa, you will be able to visit only the Southern Cyprus. Not that travel on the island North are abroad legally banned owners of the "European" admission. However we remind that this state is not recognized as the countries of the Schengen agreement. Therefore if immigration services will knows of such trip, they can refuse to you the new visa.
So, Northern Cyprus is always open for Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians and other citizens of the CIS countries - it is only necessary to receive the visa at the airport. And it is the best of all to ask that the stamp to you was delivered on a separate insert. Forms are issued to everyone when they undergo passport control. On paper it has to be written: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. VISA. This form needs to be stored until you do not arrive home.
Here we also understood that at a trip to Northern Cyprus the visa to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and other republics of the CIS treats directly at the airport. But there are also other ways of visit of the republic which, however, you should not realize. We will tell you about widespread mistakes of unlucky travelers.
Entered to the university in Northern Cyprus? It is excellent chance to get a great education, but not to miss it, it is necessary to prolong the student's visa every year. For receiving after arrival to Northern Cyprus of the corresponding permission it is necessary to bring the following documents to regional management of Girne:
The second option is preferable as Northern Cyprus is not recognized Southern Cyprus, but Greece the state. And what if you sometime want to visit all island or to visit Hellas, but the staff of immigration service, having seen your international passport, will at once stop with you a conversation?
Come at first to the Southern Cyprus, book a room there and only then go to Northern. Treat such relocations of the power of the states more or less calmly.
Popular belief that the tourist who is the citizen of the CIS can get to Northern Cyprus without visa, however it not absolutely so. It is necessary to put down a stamp after all, but the traveler can choose where there will be this visa. Option two - the international passport or a leaf insert.
In general, to visit Northern Cyprus, it is the simplest to arrive in Erdzhan (the local airport) and there to put down the visa. However there are no direct flights from Russia, Ukraine, etc. to Erdzhan. Therefore it is necessary to reach at first Turkey, one of the following cities:
Do you want to see more?
It is possible to reach at first Israel, and then to get on the ferry which will bring you besides to the Southern Cyprus. Generally, the main thing - to visit at first the southern part and, of course, not to break migration policy of the island states.
There is also one more "legal" option.
If you for the personal reasons need to linger on Northern Cyprus for the term exceeding 90 days or to drive to the country several times in a row, it will be required to receive the national visa. It is the serious application therefore be going to provide the documents confirming that on it there are bases. The certificate of a serious illness of the relative living in Cyprus will approach, for example.
Alas, practice shows that not all travelers penetrate into subtleties of movements. Therefore some tourists go to the Southern Cyprus allegedly for couple of days, and then remove on the northern coast. Of course, it not crime if not to break migration policy, but also that the authorities can sometimes have questions. Alas, some seekers of new impressions forget that period of validity of their visa is limited. On border with the Southern Cyprus such adventurers usually meet the staff of immigration service and risk to be punished up to imprisonment.
It is simple to receive the business visa to northern Cyprus to Russians in 2019, it is issued through the agencies and the visa centers: there is no relevant embassy in the Russian Federation. It is necessary to arrive also to citizens of the CIS countries: to address experts or to contact directly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of TRSK (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). Yes, it is necessary to undergo formal procedures, but do not worry: you will be supported with probability 95%, the authorities of the country care for economic development and even give quotas to the foreign businessmen ready to make a contribution to local economy.
If you are going to Northern Cyprus to participate in an exhibition or a conference and to get acquainted with potential business partner, you for certain should linger on the island for long term. According to the legislation of the republic, the visa needs to be made out if you are going to be located abroad more than 90 days in a row. Therefore submit the application for obtaining the business visa valid within one year or two years.
However, it is possible to reach at first the island on a tourist visa, to find a vacancy on the place and only then to be engaged in registration of a working visa. Only consider that so far one visa at you changes on another, it will be necessary to leave for a while home.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru